tiny brown spots yellowing leaves from outside in...ak-47 sativa dom pheno.



Please help..I'm in soil, smart pots, co2 at 1500 , started using calmag a few weeks ago...my pH was high during veg but since then its 6.3.... oh sorry, I'm in week 3 flower... mainly fan leaves but even some of the top small.leaves have the brown spots and one of the.plants is getting really yellow already...I use bloom and grow from gen hydro, bud development looks good and on par but who knows, maybe it would be much better if this wasn't happening to the leaves??? Please help!!...strain is ak-47 from Serious Seeds


My.local hydro shop refused to.look at a pic of a leaf. Explain that it was just the leaf and that I took it off the plan put it on the dining room table and took an extreme close up of one finger of one leaf and he still said he wouldn't look at it.. isn't that a little extreme?


I know its only been a day but I'm begging for a clear confident response... I'll be sooo greatful since u guys are the only people to actually SEE the problem