Tis the season: bubblelicious and superskunk 400W grow


Well-Known Member
id love to also see if anyone's done this as an experiment. two plants, one strain, one given daylight, the other only hid. very interesting. i heard they stretch more outside, so the lumens gotta be less, i wouldnt be surprised if i was wrong. very interesting.


Well-Known Member
id love to also see if anyone's done this as an experiment. two plants, one strain, one given daylight, the other only hid. very interesting. i heard they stretch more outside, so the lumens gotta be less, i wouldnt be surprised if i was wrong. very interesting.
Just to be clear, I put them in the window after the HID has been running at full strength for awhile, and I put them back before daylight fades, so the plants never "see" a change in light intensity.

I'm pretty sure there's more lumens outside than under a 400W. When I put my meter in the sunlight, it pegs so hard you can hear the needle rap the edge of the housing. It pegs under the 400 too, but more gently. I think plants stretch outside more because they can -- more of everything -- root growth, light, soil bacteria, micros and if you provide, macros and water. But, I don't know for sure..never thought about stretch indoor vs out.


Well-Known Member
A few shots of the buds I seeded. And a shot of the group, tho not much has changed in a couple days. These seeds are going to be huge. I suppose when the plant just has a few to grow out, it puts a lot more into them than if the whole plant were seeded.

I doubt I ever let any plant I really like go without being bred anymore. This part is fun, too.



Well-Known Member
Weird to see a polanated plant! hehe. what do you think will you get out of it?
Yeah, isn't it?! That's why I took pic's focused on the seeded buds. Everybody does shots of big sinse colas; thought I'd mix it up a bit and show my little breeders.

Assuming all goes well to the finish, I'd say somewhere about 3 zips. Bubblelicious gets really dense, fat calyxes (usually, mine's a little more sativa-y than most), so I expect more weight on one plant than from the sativas I ran last year, which finished a fair bit larger than this plant (11 zips dry off 4 plants that all pushed 6' each).

There's two superskunks right in front there, too, in the last pic. They're 12/12 from seed. I don't expect much out of them - an 1/8th each? They're pretty early in the game still; about 2 weeks of real flowering activity.

Oh hey, and I saw your visitor message. Just so you know, for some reason I can't respond to any friend requests; dunno why; it's never worked.


Well-Known Member
i love that you breed ur shit, most of us would run scared if the saw a male plant! you rock bro! i just harvest one plant tonight, first time! take a look when you get a chance!


Well-Known Member
i love that you breed ur shit, most of us would run scared if the saw a male plant! you rock bro! i just harvest one plant tonight, first time! take a look when you get a chance!
Saw your harvest, OMG that shit looks really, really fine. I'm def getting ready to be there, mentally.

Yea, I love the breeding thing. The tutorial method on RIU eliminates most of the risk of having pollen flying all over your house, and gives you near-total control of what gets seeded. And once you watch the males closely, you see you've got plenty of signs to know when they're getting near popping. Accidental pollination is not really in issue if you're on top of your plants, like most of us are anyway.

I'm still kicking myself a little for not thinking to hang on to one of the superskunk males -- dang it! I just got rid of them out of reflex. One was an exceptional plant, and these little 12/12'ers aren't going to kick out that much bud. A handful of seed would have been a really good bonus output. Well, live and learn!


Well-Known Member
Just to be clear, I put them in the window after the HID has been running at full strength for awhile, and I put them back before daylight fades, so the plants never "see" a change in light intensity.

I'm pretty sure there's more lumens outside than under a 400W. When I put my meter in the sunlight, it pegs so hard you can hear the needle rap the edge of the housing. It pegs under the 400 too, but more gently. I think plants stretch outside more because they can -- more of everything -- root growth, light, soil bacteria, micros and if you provide, macros and water. But, I don't know for sure..never thought about stretch indoor vs out.
Something else to think about when comparing the indoor/outdoor stretch is this, indoors most people veg with at least 18 hours of light a day(I use 20/4)and outdoors they never get that much(I think just over 14 hours of light is the max where I am).

Anyhow,looks good Kriegs,keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Something else to think about when comparing the indoor/outdoor stretch is this, indoors most people veg with at least 18 hours of light a day(I use 20/4)and outdoors they never get that much(I think just over 14 hours of light is the max where I am).

Anyhow,looks good Kriegs,keep it up!
That's a good point -- you'd have to go to Alaska to get that kind of daylight; not exactly the outdoor weed capital of the world.

Thanks for the compliment; it's going pretty good overall. Better than last year for sure, when I nute-burned the shit out of everything. This year, I'm having trouble staying ahead of the N consumption, and the big girl is yellowing ahead of schedule a little, but she's got plenty of leaf power for the 4-5 weeks she has left. I'd rather have her a little deficient than the other way around.

That's an awesome plant in your avatar. What is that? (Never mind.. I checked your journal -- sweet tooth. Beautiful -- you knocked them out of the park, bro).


Well-Known Member
A few shots at 42 days 12/12; starting to get pretty frosty in some places. She seems to be maturing the most about 2/3rds up. The top colas have a lot of work left, and I have the usual fluff down low. I'll probably harvest in steps, and once all the top stuff is gone, lower the light on the lower third and fatten up the fluff down there. Did that last year; you'll be amazed how much that stuff will harden with the top gone.

Had the first wave of browning pisitls; you can pick it up in the photos. If there's any way you can zoom in on the first pic, you can see a fair bit of amber in there already. She got fed a full dose (1/2 tsp; 7-9-5) of Liquid Grow this Thursday.

A couple shots of the superskunks, too. They're starting to trich out now..



Well-Known Member
good advice about harvesting in stages, i wish i woulda done that this first time, but im still learning


Well-Known Member
Damn Kriegs, the girls are looking ta ta ta tasty!:weed: My girls are also starting to form their trichs. Trying to get some pics up but batteries took a crap so I gotta get new ones today.

Keep em green!




Well-Known Member
Damn Kriegs, the girls are looking ta ta ta tasty!:weed: My girls are also starting to form their trichs. Trying to get some pics up but batteries took a crap so I gotta get new ones today.

Keep em green!


Thanks.. I think I'm on the downhill part of the course now.

I fell a little short on the "keep em green" - I just haven't been able to keep pace with the Queen's nitrogen demands and she's been yellowing and losing leaves a little ahead of schedule. Bubblelicious is a big eater. Now that I know her habits better, it will go smoother next time. It's cool though -- she's got enough healthy leafage to carry her over the finish in style. And overall, I have no complaints -- this has been a much smoother grow than last year and I learned a ton from it.

Thanks for stopping in..


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd share a few shots at 45 days. She;s putting some nice bud swell out now. Some of the leaflets are so glandular, they come out in a goopy ball; never really unfurl (last pic - a leaflet just tangled in her trichs).

She's still putting out fresh foxtails, so I know she's got work to do. I'm feeding the Liquid Gro 7-9-5 weekly now at full maintenance strength

Man, I love this bubblelicious. Easy grower, big producer, likes scrog. She's startin to tighten up the nugs and withdraw some pistils. These next few weeks will be tough for temptation. I'm so stoked to have new beans of this strain - yes!!

It looks like the middle third of the plant will ripen first, followed by the top colas, then the lower third. I'm really excited to smoke this stuff; should kick off some nice charas during the trim... hmmmm...

The superskunks are starting to take shape -- the little popcorns are coming together to make real bud. These are getting really trichy now too, but not much odor yet. They've topped out at 35' and 32"

Cain't wait to smoke this dope...she looks so soooooo good already.:weed: Growing your own weed is the best feeling ever...

