to air cool or not to air cool 2 600's


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a really nice cool tubed hooded reflector, not them scum cool tube one models like most of ya are thinkin, a square hood which reflects awesome and a cool tube built right into the hood, anyways, i was using that hooked up to a 440cfm inline and it did the job nicely i must say, i could get the damn light 4-5 inches away from tops if i wanted, BUT with it being that close to my tops the FOOTPRINT wasn't as big as i wanted it to be, anywhow i ended up figuring out that my 3x3 space i originally had made up for flower was just to small, now i bought another light and i made two batwing reflectors out of an old shoplight. I must say that i am really happy with the outcome of my two new reflectors, i got a bigger footprint out of the deal but now i cant keep the lights as close. what i am wondering is should i suck it up and go out and get another cool tube reflector or do you all think i would be just fine with using my homemade reflectors. how much of a difference would there be in finished product? I am also in the process of building a new grow room but for the time being this is the 2 reflectors present home. i've alrdy read all about light intensity and lumens and what not.... i know the closer you get the more intense the light get, i also know that the glass in the cool tube itself will diminish the amount of lumens getting out by, off the top of my head 5-10%ish. so with those two facts being said, which one outweighs the other, anyone out there who has had this same delimna and maybe has alrdy went through it with trial and error that i could learn from, would be great to hear some informative reads...... thanks

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it, i bought 2 for the summer and they were worth every penny saved me having to worry about temps, i also have a batwing style like yours which will come in handy for when temps need raising or if i have to expand the footprint a little, i don't think personally you lose 10-15% in lumens via the glass just keep it clean and shit free mate