To all Canadians.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys hows things?

Just looking for a 'rough price guide' (obviously I know prices are going to vary depending on who your getting it of) for a QP, HP, and a full pound of High grade Kush or something of similar quality.
Pm. if you like.

Many Thanks.


Active Member
800 a qp, 1600 and 3200 used to be higher prices. Now its like 900 16+ and Ive heard $4000 for a p before, but I would never lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. SO they would be the type of prices you would expect to pay if you weren't in anyway connected and just an average joe?!


Well-Known Member
no there are some people who can grow pounds. but thats because they have something to lose. they have high paying jobs a home and a set up. they protect it and maybe are willing to deal to help pay for the home. just gotta find someone.


Staff member
thoes prices that guy posted are super fucking high

highest ive paid for a qpwas 600


Active Member
Prices really suck lately, there have been a lot of pot busts so far this year. Last time I was looking it was 3000 a pound ( bout 2 months ago)


Well-Known Member
Come to Midwest, USA and you can sell ounces for $400 and people will gladly pay (that is, of course, if we're talking about quality weed).


Well-Known Member
Idk, am I the only paranoid one or does this thread seem suspect?

R u calling me from a cellular telephone? I don't know you, who is this? I'm hanging up. Krank Caller Krank Caller!!!!!