That was actually my first thought!! Quiting completely!! Tnx for that TRUE ADVICE!!! GOOD LOOKS BRO!!I went ninety days to deal with such a requirement, no one even had to tell me. It was the quickest way to get clear of the system, so I didn't think twice. I Just DID It.
That's my advice to you; quit fucking around trying to be smarter than them. Just wait it out, do what you're supposed to and you'll be done before you know it.
And quit whining. Looks tacky.
True that. Well after all theres good people here and good advice!! Tnx to all. But they dont test me for growing!!ya i also agree priorities are important.
just give it up until youre done youre probation theres no reason to continually get into more trouble because you wanna get high.
Hell no!!! LolGarbage in garbage out.
Have you tried drinking clean pee?
Epic suggestionBesides the bag o piss, smuggle in a 1 gal ziplock half full of water and in another pocket a 6x3x1 in chunk of dry ice. When in the restroom to fill the jar, put the dry ice into the ziplock.......Instant smoke screen, then they can't see you
Ok, so today i have my regular monthly visit to my probation officer, i knew she might drug test me, so i went and bought QCarbo32 to my fucking surprise and bad luck that the MOTHER FUKER SHIT DIDN'T WORK FOR SHIT AND I WAS POSITIVE TO MARIJUANA!!! its unfuking believable!! $50 dollars at Gnc and after reading all the reviews and follow the instructions to the fullest still got fuk in the azz. QCARBO32 ITS GARBAGE!!! AND TASTE LIKE SHIT!!!
True that. Well after all theres good people here and good advice!! Tnx to all. But they dont test me for growing!!. Happy growing to all!!
I bet you saw earth from orbit eh? LOLI didn't stop growing, either. You just couldn't make me smoke it until I was done.
That ninety day tolerance break was hell on day 91 though, Fuck! LOL
I bet you saw earth from orbit eh? LOL
Did you go blind at all? I am still hunting for the legendary smoke you blind weed. @Metasynth came the closest, I lost vision for like 20 minutes, epic shit.Maybe... I don't remember MUCH from that first couple of days!
Did you go blind at all? I am still hunting for the legendary smoke you blind weed. @Metasynth came the closest, I lost vision for like 20 minutes, epic shit.
i remember when i was down for 5 baby plants 1992 im the one on the right you got luck 10 days lolz i didnt know you can make so many things with a top romen, any way i remember this guy violated his parole i guess the guy was dirty, and he took his girlfriends pink dildo shinny and bright pink he hollowed it out and put his girls pee in a balloon inside the dildo so when it came time to pee he pulled out the dildo as if it was his own dick and he got a needle and tried to puncher the cock as he was inside a restroom stall, it wouldnt pop, after trying and panicing he finaly poped the ballon but the freeking ballon poped on him getting it all over him and his pants he was like FUCKKK, the cop heard and sead whats going on in their and got his mirror on a stick and looked over, the cop was amazed at the color of his dick and told the parolee WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU DICK the parolee replied im sorry sir i been fucking all night!!!! the cop grabed the guy and arested him and put the dildo in evidence, true story, but i still say you got off pritty nice..But they look at ma dick thru mirrors!! Literally they want to see the piss coming out of your dick!! Not good!!
And i still have a year and a half left. SmhI didn't stop growing, either. You just couldn't make me smoke it until I was done.
That ninety day tolerance break was hell on day 91 though, Fuck! LOL
And i still have a year and a half left. Smh
U really kill it right now!! I can't stop laughing!! U must be high azz shit. And im high azz shit 2 and im imagining the whole story picturing in my mind everything, even when something tell's me not to belived, but for some reason i want to belived because i just cant believe that u came out with some like that!! U maybe smoked the same shit as me. Because I'm triping right now is ma last 2 days!! I dont even know if i make sense. Toke on =====~~i remember when i was down for 5 baby plants 1992 im the one on the right you got luck 10 days lolz i didnt know you can make so many things with a top romen, any way i remember this guy violated his parole i guess the guy was dirty, and he took his girlfriends pink dildo shinny and bright pink he hollowed it out and put his girls pee in a balloon inside the dildo so when it came time to pee he pulled out the dildo as if it was his own dick and he got a needle and tried to puncher the cock as he was inside a restroom stall, it wouldnt pop, after trying and panicing he finaly poped the ballon but the freeking ballon poped on him getting it all over him and his pants he was like FUCKKK, the cop heard and sead whats going on in their and got his mirror on a stick and looked over, the cop was amazed at the color of his dick and told the parolee WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU DICK the parolee replied im sorry sir i been fucking all night!!!! the cop grabed the guy and arested him and put the dildo in evidence, true story, but i still say you got off pritty nice..
REAL SHIT!! REAL TALK!! even when i got lost a little in the middle of the story, but at the end EVERYTHING MAKE SENSE!! Since tomorrow im a sober man!! At least weed wize. Lol. Im gonna start getting shit face drunk now!! Its like u wheree preaching profetizing my past and my future after i will be done with this!! Thanks for that confirmation!! Lmfao Toke on =====~~Sorry, man. The harsh truth is that you now have dual citizenship- the usual kind, plus the demerit of one foot in the vast archipelago of incarceration. You live by its rules- as a second class citizen in many ways- or it gleefully sucks you in to spiral ever deeper into the bottomless pit.
Many spiral in for innocuous reasons and don't ever return because they didn't take it seriously and/or 'something bad' happened. It doesn't even have to be your fault for shit to go bad, so wash your hands, get clean, get it done and then you'll be free. The REAL kind, not the fugitive kind. Not easy, but nothing worth having ever is.
Is it one of those mirrors where objects may appear further away than they actually are? You need to insist that they use a convex mirror - or bring in an ipad with a video of pissing. Let me see if I can Google any...But they look at ma dick thru mirrors!! Literally they want to see the piss coming out of your dick!! Not good!!