Tonight is the Night

Without trump, you would be Gollum without the ring.

How about you let the Americans figure out whos a traitor or not? I understand all you lame fuck countries that ride off the back of America are worried that your welfare is going to be cut off, but don't act like you love America more than your homeland.
Hey when Donald is gone so will I, except to see justice done, though I have grown rather fond of the place. My interests are turning towards my hobby more now and Like most Americans I wanna see Donald gone and only in the news for court business and independent special counsel investigations.

The times are a chang'n Grimmy, be a part of that change for the better, or be a part of the past with all it's trouble and bullshit.

Here is a thread I created to get away from politics for a bit, I'm moving on to RC groups, flying and working on the bench, since I like working with my hands too. Things are more are more or less normal where I live in Atlantic Canada very few cases now and none most of the time and we wear masks too. I used to have local mindfulness meetings, but covid killed that, I cancelled the meetings when it was on the horizon.

Life is getting back to more or less normal in most places and people are doing the pursuit of happiness thing, too bad yer not allowed out of the country because Trump's failure on covid was so bad.

I watched it on ABC, who are obviously pro democrat claiming to be center, and all the hosts afterward admitted biden lowered himself to trumps level many times. Orchestrated shit show to make trump look as lame as biden, and he fell for it. He should have learned after hillary. Like I said, stock up on the baby rays.

"Both candidates are unqualified, but trump is even less qualified than biden" was the show we watched last night.
What does 'pro democrat' mean to you these days?

How could Biden have done anything different other than allowing Trump to date rape his way all over the debate the entire time?
Cold comfort
It could be worse, Trump could be winning or the race could be close, the fact he is fighting for his life along with the republican senate in red states gives me a great deal of comfort. I think last night's fiasco cost Trump votes and he needs every one he can get, Donald needed to close the gap in the polls, he widened it, Donald failed to do what he had to do.

Donald has no real plan other than throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. If there is a plan to steal the election in court or in the red state houses, it's the RNC's plan, not Donald's, though Donald is driving the idea and "floating it".
Hey when Donald is gone so will I, except to see justice done, though I have grown rather fond of the place. My interests are turning towards my hobby more now and Like most Americans I wanna see Donald gone and only in the news for court business and independent special counsel investigations.

The times are a chang'n Grimmy, be a part of that change for the better, or be a part of the past with all it's trouble and bullshit.

Here is a thread I created to get away from politics for a bit, I'm moving on to RC groups, flying and working on the bench, since I like working with my hands too. Things are more are more or less normal where I live in Atlantic Canada very few cases now and none most of the time and we wear masks too. I used to have local mindfulness meetings, but covid killed that, I cancelled the meetings when it was on the horizon.

Life is getting back to more or less normal in most places and people are doing the pursuit of happiness thing, too bad yer not allowed out of the country because Trump's failure on covid was so bad.

What does 'pro democrat' mean to you these days?

How could Biden have done anything different other than allowing Trump to date rape his way all over the debate the entire time?

I'm thinking I'll use the Honey BBQ for the democrats and the Original Recipe for the republicans. Love me some Baby Rays, that sauce is boss.
President Trump said nobody was hurt at his hate rallies.

If trump wins you would be one of those responsible for the end of democracy in your country and a contributor to the death of the planet.


Bro, how many times do I have to say I don't like Trump or Biden? It is literally picking between the shiniest of two turds. If I had to choose it would be Biden obviously. But almost 400 million people and those are the best two options for a leader? GTFO here, what a broken system.
To Trump's credit he got really close to disavowing them, but Biden was smart and snuck in 'Proud Boys' and fucked Trump up, because something sketchy as hell is going on there between those potential polItical domestic terrorists and Trump.

Yeah, wtf was that? All he had to say was "white supremacists are bad" but somehow that whole situation got messed up.

Bro, how many times do I have to say I don't like Trump or Biden? It is literally picking between the shiniest of two turds. If I had to choose it would be Biden obviously. But almost 400 million people and those are the best two options for a leader? GTFO here, what a broken system.
I wasn’t implying you supported anyone.

You asked a question and I answered it. No vote is a vote for trump and if he wins, the non voter is responsible for the inevitable carnage.
It could be worse, Trump could be winning or the race could be close, the fact he is fighting for his life along with the republican senate in red states gives me a great deal of comfort. I think last night's fiasco cost Trump votes and he needs every one he can get, Donald needed to close the gap in the polls, he widened it, Donald failed to do what he had to do.

Donald has no real plan other than throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. If there is a plan to steal the election in court or in the red state houses, it's the RNC's plan, not Donald's, though Donald is driving the idea and "floating it".
Yes, I know. Last election this county went 64% to 30% for Trump. He won't do that well this time around. There are a literal fuckload of Trump signs, they are everywhere, but there are far more Biden signs than there ever were Clinton signs as well. The level of commitment is pretty amped up on both sides. Yesterday I drove past a corner lot on a busy intersection and there were about a dozen new Biden flags, a tent (to keep them there against the constant thieves) and a very well done Biden logo spray painted onto the lawn in eight foot high letters. In a county south of here, (78% to 16% in 2016) people went so far as to use a whole 4"x 8" sheet of plywood spray painted with "Not our sign Not our Man" when the owners of the adjacent cornfield put up Biden signs. I imagine their house was getting vandalized daily. Its on.

I project that Trimp will still win this county but only carry about 58% of the vote.

I am taking my last week of annual vacation on election week. Just in case I-80 needs some improvised road work.
Bro, how many times do I have to say I don't like Trump or Biden? It is literally picking between the shiniest of two turds. If I had to choose it would be Biden obviously. But almost 400 million people and those are the best two options for a leader? GTFO here, what a broken system.
Does "literally" mean the same thing in your language as it does in English?

Bro, how many times do I have to say I don't like Trump or Biden? It is literally picking between the shiniest of two turds. If I had to choose it would be Biden obviously. But almost 400 million people and those are the best two options for a leader? GTFO here, what a broken system.

I am curious what you need in a president? Do you truly think it matters how smart they are (or not) if they can't talk to people and get the trust of them enough for his cabinet and all the agencies of our nation to know they can do their work and not have the POTUS screw it all up with a tweet?

I dont, Biden will appoint highly competent people to do the hard work we need, and pass anything the Democratic House/Senate hopefully is able to put on his desk. Foreign nations will know they have a stable leader in charge again and get to unclench a little as they figure out how far Putin is planning on going with his attack on all our nations (even Canada).

I choose that. I got my mail in ballot today, and I will be filling it out and putting it in the vote drop-box this afternoon. And then fuck it, if the Corona-virus gets me I did my part. I pushed back in the best way I know how here on this weird little forum, warned my family, and voted. What comes next, comes next.

Yeah, wtf was that? All he had to say was "white supremacists are bad" but somehow that whole situation got messed up.
My conspiracy theory with that is that Trump is obviously pushing the data attack and using these brand name trolls to key word his cult members into responding in certain ways when they get brought up.

The trump trolls have been pushing the Proud Boys chat and views up bigly on youtube and as soon as people start to look at the protest videos the rabbit hole leads to them as some kind of heroes and that leads to videos full of these real life LARP'ers dressed as knock off GI Joe's suck these kids in. And Biden is now getting the top secret briefings (that Trump is getting, but I am guessing Biden is asking far better questions of the intel agents) and knew that by saying 'Proud Boys' Trump would not be able to talk shit about them, because it is part of his scam.