Too Late?


Well-Known Member
topping doesnt increase yield it just makes trimmin more of a pain in the ass. lst or bending does increase yield, but topping shocks the plant so u lose a couple days of growing there and then u get a bunch of popcorn nugs half of which u will end up throwin in the hash pile cuz u dont wanna trim it. i say if ur thinkin about toppin then bend, but i like to just let mine do what they do...
than whats the point in topping?

Topping in combination with lollipopping ( lower plant pruning ) brings most of the foliage to an even upper level, not as much of the plant is blocking itself. Giving you more overall light coverage where it matters most. Topping is great as a tool for maximizing light efficiency.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
There is no reason for anyone to be "on your ass" about your growing WELL into the late fall/early winter in FL, as long as you understand that you WILL ONLY be flowering. ALL outdoor vegging would be on hold until after Dec. 22, (in the northern hemisphere).
I'm on the 38th parallel, and due to a VERY mild winter, was able to hold off harvesting 5 monster Thai Super Skunk's until Dec.7 last year.
That was truly amazing for this area. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
also topping is great because if any of you have grown a real big fuck off bud (top flower) you know you run a risk of mold
i would rather trim twice as much bud as to throw a big bud out

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
also topping is great because if any of you have grown a real big fuck off bud (top flower) you know you run a risk of mold
i would rather trim twice as much bud as to throw a big bud out
Exactly right! Last year, my untopped Diesel and Super Skunk both produced HUGE, bigger than my arm cola's, and BOTH ended up with ROT!!!! )(**%$%^&&#^&) In my grow, from now on, EVERYTHING gets topped, fim'ed, LST'd, super cropped, lollypopped, what-bloody-ever it takes to prevent THAT from happening ever again! Good luck & good grow.......BB

grow space

Well-Known Member
This thread is so off topic, the question is, is it too late? i have the same situation..i have 4-5 S.a.g.e. x LOW RIDERS seedlings and i think i am going to put them outside for a while until i get my indoor shit back to work...

AND PPL, LST and topping does wonders if put together..if u top, u get many colas, that u can then train wherever u want, and all that plant will get so much light in each freaking crack :hump:( crack sucks :hump: :lol: ) it6 common sense dudes, and your yields will be increased for sure.Also, some strains like the good old Blueberry demands that you top it, because if u dont, it will not carry as much bud if it were topped, but thats just strain related...uups, and off topic did i just go...

any ways, good luck mann...:peace: