Too leafy?


Active Member
Over the weekend I was having beers with a few mates and ones of them was asking about the girls, so I showed him some pictures. Now he doesn't know anything about growing anything or what it looks like, but he was convinced they were way to leafy. I argued the point for quite some time and that's was drunk time, so it was probably like an hour, or not. Anyway, I was looking at them today, and they are pretty leafy and haven't swelled up heaps yet. They did only show at the start of March though, so they have like another month. Guess he just got me a bit paranoid about it haha.
Do you guys think my ego and plants will be okay?

The one on the left:



Active Member
Yeah, I have regained confidence in them since I looked at them before haha. Just being a dickhead I guess.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have regained confidence in them since I looked at them before haha. Just being a dickhead I guess.
yep just a critical dickhead who wants to look smart, shoulda said "well why don't you show some pics of yours, and what a non leafy plant looks like"... they look like sat's which tend to be a little more leafy. but if the buds are given enough time to properly swell, and u give them a good trim, the final product will be just fine