Too much light. What problems can occur?


Well-Known Member
Just what it says. Can you give a plant too much light? If so, what symptoms will show?


Well-Known Member
you can give too much light too fast.. like say you are using a few floro lights then dump em under a 1000 watt hps. you may get some burn from the lights. best cure for that is start the light farther away than normal slowly moving it closer.. same thing can happen with indoor plants. i started my outdoor garden, tomatoes, peppers etc for salsa.. grew them about 1.5' tall then took outside.. they got a bit sunburned because the sun is so much more powerful than the floro lights i was using.. just take it slow and you should have np.. no indoor light comes close to the sun really.

symptoms can be leaves curling, getting brown spots (just burned looking) or in the case of sunburn they get a different colored hue..


Well-Known Member
That's it, just sunburn on the leaves? It won't start causing any other problems? Like the plant's metabolism getting screwed up or anything like that? Locking nutes out?


Well-Known Member
I've heard of light bleaching in extreme cases (like over 100 watts/sq. ft. of HID light). But to be honest, I've never seen it - not even photos. LOL Maybe it's like those pesky "Hotspots" you hear about from using foil - everyone's heard about these things, but do they really exist?