too much light?


I started 3-4 weeks ago with some seeds growing in a space thats approx 18" wide by 24" deep. i'm using cfls and have 6x24 watt 2x42 watt and 1x65 watt for a grand total of 294watts mixed spectrum. My biggest plant(prob male) has had crispy leaves almost since the beginning, something i originally attributed to the poor quality of the local tap(9.0 untreated) since ive been treating my water down to around 6.

Ive read about crispy leaves and how its usually over fert but im not using any nutes just yet; still vegging. New growth seems good in the tallest plant but once the leaves get a good size they become a different shade of green and crispy. Im watering the crap out of everything and my Humidity is usually around 40-50.

Im growing in miracle grow potting soil, the lights were around 2-3 inches from the plants now they are around 4" wondering if this is to much light for such a small space or if i should pH my water down more. Id post pics but no camera just yet. Any help woudl be appreciated.

Illegal Smile

Maybe too close for so young. Back it off and get the humidity up. Put wet towels in around them and spray them with water regularly.


Well-Known Member
that soil may be to strong for a young plant MG stuff usually says it feed 3-6 months.i like the stuff that don't feed so i can feed them what i want and how much,but i'm a first time grower so let the pro's confirm this.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I started 3-4 weeks ago with some seeds growing in a space thats approx 18" wide by 24" deep. i'm using cfls and have 6x24 watt 2x42 watt and 1x65 watt for a grand total of 294watts mixed spectrum. My biggest plant(prob male) has had crispy leaves almost since the beginning, something i originally attributed to the poor quality of the local tap(9.0 untreated) since ive been treating my water down to around 6.

Ive read about crispy leaves and how its usually over fert but im not using any nutes just yet; still vegging. New growth seems good in the tallest plant but once the leaves get a good size they become a different shade of green and crispy. Im watering the crap out of everything and my Humidity is usually around 40-50.

Im growing in miracle grow potting soil, the lights were around 2-3 inches from the plants now they are around 4" wondering if this is to much light for such a small space or if i should pH my water down more. Id post pics but no camera just yet. Any help woudl be appreciated.
1) How tall are the plants?
2) What is the temperature in your grow space?
3) What is the pH of your water runoff?

I've grown in MG before (long, long, long time ago) and I had no problem with seedlings being burned, so I doubt that's the culprit.

I'm guessing that either your light's too close for the size of the plants (even though they're a few weeks old, I'm guessing that they're stunted as shit), or you're having some pH issues.


Well-Known Member
Put your hand between the lights and the plant. If the heat is not too hot on your hand, then you plant should not be bothered by the heat of the lights. You might try using distilled water for a short while to see if this fixes the problem. Water with a pH of 9 is distressing. I would not want to drink it and maybe your plants don't like it either.


Active Member
Maybe too close for so young. Back it off and get the humidity up. Put wet towels in around them and spray them with water regularly.
i just want to add that overwatering would yellow and sag your leaves- although humidity in the air should be high(vegging only)- do not over water 1 of the most common mistakes for any 1 to make - let your plants dry out completly - then water them- lift the potts so you no how much they weigh-water only wen needed-norm 3-4 days depending on size of pots-airflow-heat etc- hope this helps :)

smoke cheese - chat cheese !!!!


Well-Known Member
W/ MG Potting Soil, the more you water, the more the plants are fed... why you ask? Because it's has time released nutrients in it that feed the plant when it's watered... Trust me, i found this out the hard way w/ MG Seed Starting and Potting Soil mixes... You're better off to spread the waterings out and give them a larger ammount in between... During the last 2 weeks of veg, I was only watering every 5 days.. Don't be afraid, they will not die...

As long as your pot has proper drainage holes at the bottom, you should water til you start to get run-off... then wait a minute, and give it a bit more... it should soak most that up.. Then you're good for 5 days.. Or atleast I was.. Guess it's different with every strain... but w/ the MG soil, i'm gonna have to say less watering/more water is better...


Active Member
Maybe too close for so young. Back it off and get the humidity up. Put wet towels in around them and spray them with water regularly.

good ideas but becarefull when spraying with water because the droplets on the leafs create hot spots esp with that much light


Well-Known Member
Do you mist the leaves any?

Maybe try using some distilled water in a spray bottle... every time you turn the lights on, bring them out (away from your light/fans) and give them a decent soaking on the top and bottom sides of the leaves.. spraying the bottom can help keep bugs away.. It may seem useless as the light really sucks up the water quick when you put them under the light, but i've noticed it's a good cure for some semi-droopy leaves when the plant isn't quite ready to be watered yet.. spray @ lights on, in a few hours, they're perked right back up..

Kind of a funny story, i guess... I was gone from my house for around 4-5 days around a month ago, right around the time i started flowering.. my girlfriend took care of the babies (6 at that time) for that period of time and i must say did a very good job...

About a week ago, come to find out, she was misting the plants twice a day during the time i was gone, right when the lights came on and right before the lights shut off.. I made a comment that I had only been spraying once a day and she said "well i sprayed them twice a day and look how good the leaves look now!!!"... I couldn't say much b/c i had praised her for her good work and she's cool with it all... Although I see no visual difference between misting once as opposed to twice a day, i'll let her have this one..


Active Member
Do you mist the leaves any?

Maybe try using some distilled water in a spray bottle... every time you turn the lights on, bring them out (away from your light/fans) and give them a decent soaking on the top and bottom sides of the leaves.. spraying the bottom can help keep bugs away.. It may seem useless as the light really sucks up the water quick when you put them under the light, but i've noticed it's a good cure for some semi-droopy leaves when the plant isn't quite ready to be watered yet.. spray @ lights on, in a few hours, they're perked right back up..

Kind of a funny story, i guess... I was gone from my house for around 4-5 days around a month ago, right around the time i started flowering.. my girlfriend took care of the babies (6 at that time) for that period of time and i must say did a very good job...

About a week ago, come to find out, she was misting the plants twice a day during the time i was gone, right when the lights came on and right before the lights shut off.. I made a comment that I had only been spraying once a day and she said "well i sprayed them twice a day and look how good the leaves look now!!!"... I couldn't say much b/c i had praised her for her good work and she's cool with it all... Although I see no visual difference between misting once as opposed to twice a day, i'll let her have this one..
i spray like crazy in vegg room never in my flower room !

OG Wizard

Do you mist the leaves any?

Maybe try using some distilled water in a spray bottle... every time you turn the lights on, bring them out (away from your light/fans) and give them a decent soaking on the top and bottom sides of the leaves.. spraying the bottom can help keep bugs away.. It may seem useless as the light really sucks up the water quick when you put them under the light, but i've noticed it's a good cure for some semi-droopy leaves when the plant isn't quite ready to be watered yet.. spray @ lights on, in a few hours, they're perked right back up..

Kind of a funny story, i guess... I was gone from my house for around 4-5 days around a month ago, right around the time i started flowering.. my girlfriend took care of the babies (6 at that time) for that period of time and i must say did a very good job...

About a week ago, come to find out, she was misting the plants twice a day during the time i was gone, right when the lights came on and right before the lights shut off.. I made a comment that I had only been spraying once a day and she said "well i sprayed them twice a day and look how good the leaves look now!!!"... I couldn't say much b/c i had praised her for her good work and she's cool with it all... Although I see no visual difference between misting once as opposed to twice a day, i'll let her have this one..
dude girlfriends are the best, haa my girlfriend would have done the same thing =]


Active Member
MG is very easy to grow in, dont let ppl scare you man lolol. When ur first startin ur lil babies out, just make sure to ur PH is 7.4. They will be gettin the needed moisture but wont take in nutes. Then after a few waterings of that, take it down to 7.3 for a couple waterings, and so forth until u get down to 6.8. Then just keep the ph at 6.8, hell you could even stop at 6.9 if u wanted. I had a veeeeery good grow in MG time release soil, and i simply did that ph walk down, stopped at 6.9 and everyother watering i would go up to 7 PH. What u needa understand about MG is that the nutes in it r pretty potent, the slightest ph change will definitely affect the plant. So find your lil comfort zone, and stick to it, but dont go below 6.8 cause u will start burnin. Wish u the best my man, cant wait to see how things turn out for you!!!


1) How tall are the plants?
2) What is the temperature in your grow space?
3) What is the pH of your water runoff?
The tallest is probably about 8 inches, i just topped it above the 4th or 5th node the others are maybe 4 inches with 3 sets of nodes.

The temp fluctuates between 75 and 90

i cant really ph the runoff because i have a cheap aquarium test kit and i dont think the colors would read accurately. The pH of the water before is around 6.

Am i maybe pHing my water down too much, im saving for a good ph meter but all i have not is the test kit. i watered the crap out of them and shut them in the case so hopefully that'll get the humidity up and hopefully my big one will stop wasting away.