Too much light??


Active Member
too much light never, but the heat from light has to be controlled.

mr.sun gives 10,000 lumens per square foot


Well-Known Member
check on temps and ventalation. are your lights on any kind of a system to raise or lower them?


Well-Known Member
too much light never, but the heat from light has to be controlled.

mr.sun gives 10,000 lumens per square foot
At the equator, at noon

there is a such thing as to much light, and saturation as well as bleaching leaves

but what you described is not to much :bigjoint:

you should read my NooB Advice thread, if you want to learn about light (oh yeah and everything else)


Active Member
you could expand your lighting right now to 4-5 times more and still not have too much light. you might have 8000 lumens off your setup, which would be ok for vegging, but you would want at least 20,000-30,000 lumens to flower. im at about 240,000 with my 2 600watters! :D