too much light????

got 5 1000 watt hps bulbs burning above my 14 plants in a super cropped SOG that is 4 foot by 6 foot plants are 24 to 28 inches tall 2.5 to 3.5 weeks to go this is too much light ? it comes to 29166 lumens per square foot


Well-Known Member
id say a tad bit lol. I'm not familliar with using 1k's but enough light IMO is 50w/ sq ft.. ur pushin 210w/sq ft., id only run 2 of em max. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
more light is ALWAYS better. ask the outdoor guys, dont think they are complaining about too much light lol


Well-Known Member
haha yeah right but hey if they are showing no heat stress and loving it and you can deal with the bill sure why not go for it bro


Well-Known Member
Still think you should post pics. How the hell do 5 lights hang in that small of a space? Show us.
got 5 1000 watt hps bulbs burning above my 14 plants in a super cropped SOG that is 4 foot by 6 foot plants are 24 to 28 inches tall 2.5 to 3.5 weeks to go this is too much light ? it comes to 29166 lumens per square foot


Well-Known Member
I get bleached white buds if If get too close sometimes. Maybe a strain thing?


Well-Known Member
Still think you should post pics. How the hell do 5 lights hang in that small of a space? Show us.
I'm quite curious as to how that's working as well, and would love to see a pic. Please, by all means post a pic OP - knowledge is power. :D


New Member
The more light, the better. No matter how many lights you have though, it will never come close to being like the sun. With that amount of light that you have, you could be growing a lot more. If you can't grow more, then I suggest have huge containers and lots of height room to take advantage of all that light. Especially since you have to think of energy usage of so much light which also includes more energy use for keeping the heat down as well.