Top medical strains for severe muscle pain


Well-Known Member
It depends.
Some weed makes muscle pain and pain in general worse. Especially high THC ones. They can cause apprehension ,nervousness, body stimulation, anxiety, muscle twitching and spasms..exactly what you don't want.
High CBDs could won't get " high" but you will feel better. More relaxed.
Indicas are better then Sativas for pain.
But again it depends...on strain and the grower. Harvest too early..too high THC.

I have found only one or 2 strains that help with pain...a certain Blue Cheese and a BB x NL.
The Blueberry x Northern Lights is all I grow and smoke anymore.

And I suffer from pain. I have a compressed spinal cord and suffer agonizing pain in my lower back and legs. I have had 5 surgeries and a morphine pump implant. I've suffered for more then 20 years. I'm still in pain but I don't notice it that much anymore.

Now a days I take just enough to start weaning off my pills. And with my injuries I can get prescribed almost anything...but I don't want it.

You also might want to think about topical solutions instead of inhaling. I use a homemade topical version myself.

There are just too many variables in weed now a days to nail down one exact strain for pain.
So if you find one...I mean really find a good one ,find a clone of it ASAP and grow it yourself( or caregiver ). That way you will always know what you are getting.
FYI I'm in a wheelchair and can still have a grow room. Only needed help setting it up.
And just growing weed itself is therapeutic.

Just don't go into a dispensary and ask what strain is good for pain...they usually don't know what the hell the are talking about. Check out several dispensaries and ask the same question and see how many different answers you get.
They will usually say high CBDs...but most don't test their how the hell would they know what the CBD is.

So keep looking and to try new weed first stone of the day then pile it on at the end of the day of smoking.

And once you find that one strain...find some way to keep it constantly.

I've only smoke BB X NL for the last 4 years and don't miss any other kind of kind. My friends that come over know they are going to smoke my weed only so they don't even offer anymore.
Besides I grow some awesome weed. Even in a wheelchair.

Good luck
Hell ya man that's awesome keep it up! The one I've found is bubba up in denver at the clinic & they don't sell clones or seeds of it to my knowledge :( ill def figure it out though, I've been experimenting with quite a few. I appreciate the aadvice man. I've been trying to Harvest later to get more of the body effect.


Well-Known Member
I'm just growing my own meds.... mostly. Btw, the only place that I know that has Sour Tsunami is RiverRock in Denver, I could be wrong though. Yes, the TB oil is powerful meds - Natural Mystic has it made from the nugs, but it'll cost you $100 for a gram.....
DAMNNN! That's expensive!!! Is it worth it? I might get a half gram if they sell it like that, but damn! Well shit I actually might be going up to denver soon. I actually have a question for everyone: DENVER OR BOULDER FOR CLONES/FLOWERS/BHO?