TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Well-Known Member
fab are you talking to yourself again? I thought you were taking your meds... tisk tisk lol


New Member
well u missed the party i was the DJ
have we talked before or u just seen my crazy ass post

been around the block, I hate staying at one party to long... gotta mingle and run but I always manage come and go lol


Well-Known Member
any1 know the best way to quick dry some bud so itll smoke in a blunt without going out.. and without Burning the THC before i even get to smoke?


New Member
yes fire up oven then turn it off then put weed on plate in there for 10-20 seconds at a time
and dont forget use pot holders so u dont burn hands lol

any1 know the best way to quick dry some bud so itll smoke in a blunt without going out.. and without Burning the THC before i even get to smoke?