

Hey guys i have this 27 day old female Cotton Candy kush, and i want to know if topping it or fimming would be a good idea right now. i recently switched over to a 400 watt HPS and it has bushed out.

is it too late or too early still? another concern is that because it has gotten so bushy that light isnt reaching the undergrowth enough.

any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
You can top or fim anytime you want after the second node. You can top them if you want it is good to go. looks like you got a bit of a heat problem in your tent(curling leaves)or maybe you have the lamp to close. Other than that nice plant! cotton candy kush ahhhhhhh.


You can top or fim anytime you want after the second node. You can top them if you want it is good to go. looks like you got a bit of a heat problem in your tent(curling leaves)or maybe you have the lamp to close. Other than that nice plant! cotton candy kush ahhhhhhh.
I was she seems to be the only one tho. if you look at my grow journal none of the other plants have that issue. they did but i have adjusted the light. I dont really know how to correct it the lights are about 14-16 inches from the tops of the plants id say. and i have one small heater/fan to keep the room warm at night.

any suggestions on how to fix that, and when i go to top this girl, i just clip away the newest growth at the top correct?


Well-Known Member
I was she seems to be the only one tho. if you look at my grow journal none of the other plants have that issue. they did but i have adjusted the light. I dont really know how to correct it the lights are about 14-16 inches from the tops of the plants id say. and i have one small heater/fan to keep the room warm at night.

any suggestions on how to fix that, and when i go to top this girl, i just clip away the newest growth at the top correct?

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This should help.


Well-Known Member
Top now if you feel inclined to do so. Generally as soon as signs of secondary growth show, TOP! You could always go with a little LST to get light to the under growth, it'll make those secondary growths ALL go towards the light... Multiple main colas!!! I love this technique soil much I could kiss the maker of it!! Haha. Na just kidding. But it does do wonders for my garden!


thank you definitely helped. one more question. should i top her today? or let this light cycle finish out and do it when the light comes back on in the morning


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really matter. How much time do you have in you cycle today? Is say just top her and let her go!


Top now if you feel inclined to do so. Generally as soon as signs of secondary growth show, TOP! You could always go with a little LST to get light to the under growth, it'll make those secondary growths ALL go towards the light... Multiple main colas!!! I love this technique soil much I could kiss the maker of it!! Haha. Na just kidding. But it does do wonders for my garden!
i have been experimenting with LST one one heres a pictureIMG_5525.jpg
its the plant thats only partially shown here ill take a better picture and post it. ive been letting this one grow up some im thinking come the end of this week im going to bend it again.


Well-Known Member
Shit ya you have plenty of time to do what you need to do. As more heads stretch toward the light, tie them down too. Before you know it, after tying everything down that you can, you'll have a nice multi-head bush!


Shit ya you have plenty of time to do what you need to do. As more heads stretch toward the light, tie them down too. Before you know it, after tying everything down that you can, you'll have a nice multi-head bush!

here she is. the stem is covered tho, so i should start bending the leaves away from it to get more light to it? and i havent been tying. i just take a small wire and bend it over the stem and push it into the dirt.


i topped the Cotton candy, but in doing so i knicked the branch right below where i cut. should i be worried or will it heal up properly?


Well-Known Member
She should recover fine. And as long as The wire stays in the dirt you should be fine. Just bent the main stem like ya did and as it grows, tie down again. The plant will feel that it needs to make something go toward the light so she will focus more and more on all of the growths together, not just the main top.


Well-Known Member
And no need to tie leaves, the other growths will shove their way through all th leaf clutter. Sometimes I do some minor strategic defoliating later on to get more light through, but I grow with CFLs, so i need the penetration. But you have a HPS it looks like so you shouldnt need it. Don't defoiliate unless absolutely necessary.


alright thanks man. i appreciate the input. illl post a pic of her in a few days to show the progress she makes.


Well-Known Member
i topped the Cotton candy, but in doing so i knicked the branch right below where i cut. should i be worried or will it heal up properly?
I just messed up my plants last week with a fucked up fim job but they bounced back in about two days and I have since topped them again and you can't tell I even cut them. By the looks of my plants I think the fim did work because instead of 4 tops like I had wanted I am seeing 8 to 10 tops on all of them hmmm. but ya your plant will be fine.


that makes me feel somewhat better lol. i saw i knicked her and was like fuck!!!
so once the two new tops come up should i do it again and try to make 4 tops? can you post a pic of yours?


Well-Known Member
that makes me feel somewhat better lol. i saw i knicked her and was like fuck!!!
so once the two new tops come up should i do it again and try to make 4 tops? can you post a pic of yours?
Yes you can but remember the more you top = more stress and the longer veg and the possibility of hermi's.. You shouldn't top a plant more than twice. Took that a day or so ago I think: This one was taken this morning:23 days old.