Topping gone wrong


Active Member
So I used Uncle Ben's topping technique on my plants but one of them hasn't recovered as quickly as the others and has 5 or more shoots coming out of the topped area. What have I done to the plant?

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a miracle! Give it time to recover. If your result is 5 or more shoots and it survives......... Remember exactly what you did and do it everytime. That's just amazing (assuming it survives).


Well-Known Member
Never trust a rice's spokesperson.

What you did is exactly what you wanted to have happen. You know you can top a top right? I love to FIM.


Active Member
Sounds like a miracle! Give it time to recover. If your result is 5 or more shoots and it survives......... Remember exactly what you did and do it everytime. That's just amazing (assuming it survives).[/QUOTE]Sweet you put a really good spin on it lol, but having 5 or so at the same point is going to be a little crowded, just thinking it might not really work out.
Here's a picUntitled-1.jpg


Active Member
Give it time, cannabis has always surprised me with its resilience.
Indeed. I've had plants flower with a PH of 8, no fertilizer and 14 hours of sunlight lol. Once had a plant re-generate after in broke and I cut off it's main stem. I was just wondering if anyone had encountered a similar outcome with topping so I know what to expect.


Well-Known Member
Looks like he FIM'ed it, from the pic. That's why he got the multiple tops, rather than just two.


Well-Known Member
Yes its been Fimmed topping you take 100% of top growth of and 2 shoots appear fimming you take 80% of top growth thus 4 shoots 4 top cola's good luck with the grow, btw the technique was aquierd by accident.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps u ended up accidently performing a 'FIM' instead of a top. FIMing usually produced more than the standard 2 tops u get from a clean topping.


Well-Known Member
I top my plants, get four main colas every time - you don't have to FIM to get four.
The four tops u get probably aren't produced from the node where u made the cut in the way that they are from a FIM. I'm guessing they're the stems from the lower nods catching up to the top ones... Which is great coz that's the idea of topping haha.


New Member
So I used Uncle Ben's topping technique on my plants but one of them hasn't recovered as quickly as the others and has 5 or more shoots coming out of the topped area. What have I done to the plant?
so im new and I tried topping my plants for first time im pretty sure I did it to eary and cut the groth off at the third branch did I just fuck them or what?
so im new and I tried topping my plants for first time im pretty sure I did it to eary and cut the groth off at the third branch did I just fuck them or what?
I usually don't top but when I do I wait until about 4-5 nodes are present.3 seems kinda early. I've never heard of anyone doing that early, but if there's someone I'm sure there on here. Keep an eye on it good luck.


New Member
Yes its been Fimmed topping you take 100% of top growth of and 2 shoots appear fimming you take 80% of top growth thus 4 shoots 4 top cola's good luck with the grow, btw the technique was aquierd by accident.
Really guys, what's so hard about using proper punctuation and complete sentences?