Topping or trimming


Active Member

I have outdoor plants(10) of u/k seed origin. I started indoors and moved them outdoors about a month ago. They are now about 2 to 2 1/2 ft tall and show no sign of budding or sex (that I know of) Is there a general rule about "topping" or trimming that I should follow. I've looked at various sites without a satisfactory guide or explanation. Any help would be appreciated.

The Alvinator


Active Member
Are you asking if you should top them because you moved outside? Or just to trim in general?

If they are not stressed, you should start to see sex soon.

Check the FAQ for pruning and topping information. The only reason I do it is so some of my more aggressive plants don't grow into the light. Pruning or topping tends to make the plant bushier. Topping will give you two colas on the top of the plant.