Topping Plants


Well-Known Member
How do i top my plant off and when is it suggested? i have also read that the time that it takes the plant to recover from the trauma its not worth it, just looking to maximize yield in a 3-4 area, any advice would be much appreciated


Well-Known Member
I just pinch off the top with my fingers. It's actually really easy and you almost can't do it wrong. I might add that some strains do not take well to topping and yield better when grown natural.


Well-Known Member
you don't do it so young that it hurts the plant.. you gauge when it is healthy enough and only take a small part..


Active Member
I'm growing big bang... anyone know if its advisabe to top these?? I'm worried i might make things worse as this is only my 2nd grow (far too scared to top in my first grow attempt!)

Do you just snap off the top to allow more light in to the rest of the plant or is there another distinct advantage i'm missing when topping.

Peace !


Well-Known Member
The reason for topping is to get to main colas. The plant will branch off like a Y shape after you top. Only top during veg stage. You just remove the very top set of new leaves. Pinch them off.


Well-Known Member
sweet, sounds simple enough, i didnt wanna play with it but i seen someone post pix of his grow and hadda say i was jealous, i want my girls to have 2 colas the size of babie's legs!