Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Welp carmelo smells floral with a hint of dankness, it creeps up on you and before you know it your asleep, I smoked 1 bowl and the flavor is wonderful, I cant wait to harvest more and for a long cure if I dont smoke it too fast lol good morning everyone and I hope you all have a great day. Chat with you later. Thanks for all the help!
That Caramello sounds delicious May, nice job bro. I definitely think you're right about a nice long cure, always brings out a flowers best. A bowl, and a nap sounds pretty nice actually, even though it's only 9:15, LOL! I'm smoking on some Blue O.G. this fine morning. Love all the fruity, berry going on in her, lovely smoke. The oil tastes like skittles, and with a little longer cure on her it's coming out in her flowers now too. I first described the oil as getting mouth raped by the Skittles rainbow, and she's getting rapey with the flowers now too, NICE! Have a blessed day folks. Peace, Light, and Love.
If you don't have the scope go by the amount of red vs white pistils. The top of the plant may finish later then the lower buds too. I'd say at 75% red cut them. Looks great. :clap:

Thanks Gand, My 60x just came in today but having a little trouble getting an eye for this stuff. I'll get there though, gonna go look at close up photos for a clear idea of what I'm looking for.
let me shoot you a small bit of advice for you, and your new scope I.W. I would just jack it to the highest zoom at first, and then slowly work it into focus. That way you're only kind of having to worry about the focus, and you can spend your time looking at the trichs, if you get me. You should be able to get a nice look at max zoom, and get a real idea of where your plants are. Have fun with your scope brother, they're alot of fun. take er easy everyone. Peace, Light, and love.

EDIT: The best way of describing what a mature trich looks like is, and elongated hair like structure with a full roundish head, and has gone from translucent, to an opaque milky look, but not past into amber. I like em milky, some like em amber, you can debate that all day, I'm not getting into it personally.
I thank Gods everyday for sending me such a tolerant, beautiful wife! We should all be so lucky. Maybe we should do a little something for em, huh? I just wish mine still smoked, not that she could now. Anyways, yes, we're very lucky for our wives putting up with some strange behavior. Trich scoping, waste food collecting, manure collecting, composting, wormbin keeping, and all that other fun stuff, LOL. I just hope she doesn't find out about the........

Have a great day everyone. Peace, Love, and Light.
My lady loves being outside in the garden. She'll swing a mattock with the best of 'em. I do have a separate house to work out of though, so that takes a little of the strain away from our relationship.

I do tell her quite often... Thanks... For being so tolerant of this insane lifestyle.

At least the guerilla season is over with till next year. Whew!

Now it's time to buy my lady something nice, and spend a few days on a white sandy beach.
I was looking at trichs last night with my scope and my wife walked in the room. We are all very lucky our spouses put up with us.

My wife prefers that I not have a continuous grow. I have stock piled enough from the last couple harvest to get through 2014.

Oh, she promised me crazy closet sex when the room empties of dried bud. That woman knows how to get what she wants! ;-)


Nah man...

You gotta give it to her while the bud is still there.

Flowering room is the best place to bend your lady over behind the bushes though.