Well-Known Member im home for the day and am cleaning up my room. i have a bunch of old playboys laying around. how would you guys like an issue as the prize? i promise to give you a clean one 

that's pretty cool.Check em out. Heineken bongs, big bottle 1 pint 8 oz bottles. with glass down steam and female piece. have 3 of them at the moment 50 bucks each. would ship for another 10
Whoa! That autobot bong is freakin SWEET!Well, I wish I knew about this a long time ago. I just want to toss a few bongs that I have made up here. I tend to not take pictures of them and then disassemble them to make cooler shit out of them.
My pride and joy is this though. It's a 99% organic bong. Coconut, bamboo, corn cob pipe (has a tiny bit of plastic, so that's why it's 99%)
Sorry for the shotty quality on the picture, I didn't have by nice camera back then, had to use my BB. That dark spot is some water that leaked, I fixed that completely. Also, you can't see it but on the other side there is a carb hole that I drilled.
This thing hits like a monster and tastes really really fucking good haha.
Well, if that thing is my pride and joy...this one...well....this is my lover?
I introduce to you:
Optimus Prime
I drilled that perfectly centered factory-looking hole high as balls, haha. It is a perfect carb and looks sleak.
That really is sweet. You've inspired me to do the same with my limited edition master cheif head.
And before you ask, no. That's not porn on my coffee table.