towelies 6xBubblegum flowering journal, 400w growtent, 4 weeks in, lots of pics


Well-Known Member
hello there and welcome to my growjournal.
after being cursed with spidermites for almost the past 3(!!!) growcyles i have finally gotten rid of those pesky little fuckers and got a real grow going again.
still discover the odd leave with those damned little white spots on them, but i check my plants very, very carefully now.

now the setup is:

flowering box:

growbox size S
400w HPS
small 12v computerfan intake
big ass exhuast

200w cfl
230v ventilator as exhaust

hesi grow
hesi bloom
pk 13/14

they smell incredibly sweet (like bubblgum)
not sure which week theyre (3-5) on but they should be ready around the end of january, i'll harvest them when theyre ripe.

see that one plant that looks all yellow and beat up???... yeah, ingnore that.
that plant was in a to small pot with the wrong dirt for a really long time. (cause the bag of dirt i bought was enough for exactly 6 pots and i dont really have room for more plants)
its kinda a side by side of what happens if you dont repot into a bigger container.
its gonna be used to make hash.

but the other 6! now those :D

fukin awesome plants, left 1 to veg for more clones.
first clone showed roots today.
