
knowledge seeker

Active Member
hello all, I just got back from a long weekend and naturally my water system shit the bed over the weekend, I lost all my clones, I have plants that are in the sixth week of flowering is it possible to take clone cutting now.:cry: Thanks seeker...


Well-Known Member
possible, yes. likely, no.

give it a try though, if you work at it and have any cloning ability at all you might get a viable clone... at worst, you will lose out on a couple lower bud sites (no major loss) and have some knowledge and experience.

they will be really slow though cause not only are you trying to clone, but you are also trying to switch back to veg stage.

knowledge seeker

Active Member
Thanks for the info, I would be looking to take at least five viable clones... is this possible? My alternatives are ordering new seeds from oversees, if the clones take and set root how much longer would it take? Trying to figure out what would be the quicker way... thanks seeker


Well-Known Member
seeds would most likely be quicker.

normal cloning usually takes me about 2 weeks to get roots going.

cloning late from the flower cycle adds weeks to the procedure which reduces the chances of survival.

it isnt impossible, and it isnt hard per se... it just takes a lot longer and that increases the likelihood of bad things like rot setting in.

one thing is certain though, if you go ahead and take the cuttings and make some clones, you will know for yourself whether or not you can make it work.

in the past, i have made it work.... today with the setup i have right now, i am not so sure i could pull it off. but i have experience to draw off and if i was in your boat i could proceed with confidence towards my solution.

short answer: get to cloning :D


Well-Known Member
oh hey... while we usually are in the habit of taking one branch to make a clone this is NOT the only way. you can take multiple clones from a single branch.

there is an article on it in the growfaq that i have seen.... but the basic gist is: if the section of plant has all the needed plant part (except roots) it can be used to make a clone... namely, a stem, a node, a leaf.

so, you could take 2 branches from the budding mother and not damage her yield, if at all and still get several clones from her.