Trailer Park Boys!


Well-Known Member
No, not new, certainly not here. But I finally decided to watch this show. Marathoned it on Netflix, d/led the two movies. I loved this show, for many reasons, but one thing I disliked: the way they portrayed guns as almost harmless.

I have no problems with guns, and I certainly don't believe in gun control. I'm mostly Libertarian. But I still don't like how guns were used so often in this show and the worst anyone got was a flesh wound.

It's the A-Team for stoners!


Well-Known Member
they are supposed to be criminals. hilarious criminals. but still thats the whole point of the show guns just add excitement. notice there isnt really a single fist fight? mostly pushing and yelling. a fist fight would be more violent then guns being shot off. imo


Well-Known Member
Alex Lifeson cameo is classic! Another fav is the model train show with Sabastian Bach from SkidRow. The crazy gun action is just part of the comedy. I mean who paves their driveway with hash? Nothing about TPB is serious.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The portrayal of guns being harmless stired your emotions a bit but 7 seasons straight of drink driving didn't? :D

The show isn't really meant to be taken too seriously, it wasn't made to teach us life lessons.


Well-Known Member
Loved the show and seen all of it, even met and hung out with them after a show at the keswick theater in philly when they came to the states as part of their drunk high and unemployed tour. Actually really down to earth cool dudes, leave it to the canadians eh