Transplant day!!!!


Active Member
Well hello there eveyone im back. just giving everyone the update. Today was stage 1 of transplant. i got 3 of my "hopfully" girls from 10 inch square baskets, to 3 gallon pots. and 3 of the 6 that were in party cups to those same 10 inch square baskets. im not quite done with it yet but i have a good reason why. First off dont have the space "will be fixed soon" and second off i dont have all the pots.
The best part of the whole thing is that it went completly perfect! and it was really amazing to see how the roots were growing. After all off the transplanting that i could do was done they were all feed and put back in the cab.
Here is a few pics i took of after wards.

~smokes up~

