Transplant, GONE WRONG


Active Member
Hello everyone, this is my first post on the site but i have been follwing a few theads. I am now in need of some help. i have four plants for medical use and i will be moving soon and needed to transplant them, they are about 2 months old and about two and a half feet tall. i transplanted the largest one yesterday and it is not doin so well. does any one have any advice, i used half of a 55 gallon drum and addded extra pottin soil and gave a watering with super Thrive, fish elmushsion and a bit of roottone solution.
the first pic is a day befor i transplanted. the second and third pic is the day of and the last two are todays and its looking pretty bad.

Any advise would be GREATLY appericated



Well-Known Member
Actually my friends dad has been growing all his life, and he told me sometimes with absolutely no root damage, he's had plants die within 3-5 days.

This could be a freak accident, I personally had a plant where have the soil fell off the bottom of the roots and some roots came with it, I did it at about 6;30 am right before sunrise so it woke back up during the day and healed really swiftly.

I hope everything works out man.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, this is my first post on the site but i have been follwing a few theads. I am now in need of some help. i have four plants for medical use and i will be moving soon and needed to transplant them, they are about 2 months old and about two and a half feet tall. i transplanted the largest one yesterday and it is not doin so well. does any one have any advice, i used half of a 55 gallon drum and addded extra pottin soil and gave a watering with super Thrive, fish elmushsion and a bit of roottone solution.
the first pic is a day befor i transplanted. the second and third pic is the day of and the last two are todays and its looking pretty bad.

Any advise would be GREATLY appericated
it was not a very good idea to add nutients to a freshly transplanted plant,water only for at least a week,then start the nutes at half strength till the plant looks strong ,then you can go full strength again


Active Member
I feel that i did wat was told to me by you all, but thank you for your help. I was a bit scared but by the next evening it started to bounce back. i will post a pic, i also cut it back a bit but there is already alot of new veggitation. Thanks and im glad some thought it was some freack show p[lant, hope it got a good laugh lol.