Transplant Time


Active Member
It's time for me to transplant my babies to their permanent pots. Can I just use Fox Farm Ocean Forest Potting Soil instead of buying separate multiple ingredients?


Well-Known Member
miracle grow perlite works just fine, though it is not quite as chunky as other brands (contains no nutes if iam correct). runs less than 4 bucks a bag at my local walmart.


Well-Known Member
Never used fox farm but has long has it has perlite in yes i use bio bizz, i used to mix my own up till i started useing bio bizz all mix the only problem with bio bizz all mix and any soil that contains feed is i would not advice useing it on realy young plants.But i was spending a fortune on all the seperate bits to make the perfect soil up but the plants love bio bizz..........tyke...............................................