Transplanted Plant Wilting in Sun.....


Well i transplanted my purple urcle three days ago from my garden because it was not recieving adequate light. I transplanted it into a 25 gallon smart pot with happy frog soil i know it cant be in the sun right now because its too weak im pretty sure i didnt get all the roots but i got most of them i have it in the shade under a cfl i gave plenty of water with sum free tea that i got from my local hydroponic store shes fine in the shade , but she cant handle the sun right now especially when its like 102 today and 106 tomorrow and so on ....well how long will she take to recover i give her the morning sun till like 11:30 then i put her in the shade till it cools down in the afternoon and give her the end of sunfall. ANY ADVICE OR TIPS ARE APPRECIATED. I know shell make it but i would like to help some =]


Well-Known Member
If it was in the ground you can't get all the roots. Next time put it in a pot to begin with. How big was it? The bigger it was the more roots you didn't get.


If it was in the ground you can't get all the roots. Next time put it in a pot to begin with. How big was it? The bigger it was the more roots you didn't get.
its 2 to 3 ft. i got most of the root ball i know the plant will make it because in the shade its all up n perky byitself by i juss put the cfl to help it out , i heard about spraying the leaves wit light water n nutes to let the plant drink throught the leaves idk it this is true???


Well-Known Member
Well i transplanted my purple urcle three days ago from my garden because it was not recieving adequate light. I transplanted it into a 25 gallon smart pot with happy frog soil i know it cant be in the sun right now because its too weak im pretty sure i didnt get all the roots but i got most of them i have it in the shade under a cfl i gave plenty of water with sum free tea that i got from my local hydroponic store shes fine in the shade , but
she cant handle the sun right now especially when its like 102
today and 106 tomorrow and so on ....well how long will she take to recover i give her the morning sun till like 11:30 then i put her in the shade till it cools down in the afternoon and give her the end of sunfall. ANY ADVICE OR TIPS ARE APPRECIATED. I know shell make it but i would like to help some =]
No it cant handle it. The plant is shocked from the transplant and to make matters worse its 100deg+, more stress. A big well est plant with a deep rootsystem can handle it and sometimes like it but a plant that is in shock simply cant. Keep it well watered wait a couple of weeks and hope it improves.


You only need about 6 or 7 hours of direct sunlight to get good growth.... Put it somewhere that happens naturaly or go out and move it everyday untill its strong enough


No it cant handle it. The plant is shocked from the transplant and to make matters worse its 100deg+, more stress. A big well est plant with a deep rootsystem can handle it and sometimes like it but a plant that is in shock simply cant. Keep it well watered wait a couple of weeks and hope it improves.
Yes she is a pretty bigg girl and i hated to see her in the garden not getting adequate light so i decided to transplant her she is doing better i will post pictures soon she can handle the sun more now i feed her some root stimulator and max sea but i deluted it greatly so it wouldnt burn her. Ima leave her in the sun a lil more every day..... till she can handle it on her ownn =]