Transplanting stress?


Well-Known Member
Hey well I have 3 females now about three weeks into flowering... One has exploded and seems to need more room... its growing bushy not lenghthy...

Alright to the point, as of a week ago, I transplanted two of the three... the one I didnt transplant is now the monster, I didnt transplant it cuz it has a big nuff pot. The other two were doing amazing before the transplant, then i transplanted them and thoroughly watered them. One of them bogged down and looked like some serious over watering so I have gone 5-6 days without watering and it still looks over watered....just super droopy leaves. Still green, no signs of nute burn, looks like a classic over watering, the soil has some moisture but not enough to cause over watering problems, I dont think.

So my question is, can transplantation stress cause this, this plant has done this once before , kinda exact same symptoms, but came out of it and grew crazy good, doubling its size. but it is so droopy now I kinda have no hope...

The other plant isn't as droopy and looks to be making a recovery...

It would kill me to get rid of this plant but I kinda could use the room seeing as my monster is growing.

So the only thing wrong with it now is that it is droopy as fuck. still green and everything...

Like I said before it has done the same identical thing, but I dont know what changed to bring it out of this problem...

If it is necessary to post pics I will, but I am on dial up...


Well-Known Member

BOTTOM CENTER: The problem .... droopy...

TOP LEFT is my main one....

TOP RIGHT one kinda making the recovery...


Well-Known Member
In my opinion. If you haven't watered it. I'd say you should let it sit in the dark for about 24-48 hrs then give a thorough watering. Give it a day or two, then you should take off any absolutely dead leaves and ones that really too yellow. Water it again with regular water and see if it bounces back. The next watering you should give it some nutes, I would say high in nitrogen. if it doesn't look good after a week, you should focus on your more healthy plants, as this one might be male or go hermie.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a case of root rot.
I hope your not keeping your plants sitting in a pan of water, when you water them.
Drainage, drainage, drainage. This is very important when watering.

You should water your plants, have it drain into the pan, then toss the water thats in the pan.

When you have root rot, there really is no way of recovery.
You could try cloning your plants and starting over.


Well-Known Member
Do you think if I feel the base of the soil and its not soaked then I wouldn't have root rot. Damn its weird how this same exact plant has done this before and I was about to give up on it then magically it turned out great and doubled in size in like two weeks.


Active Member
Hmm well I just took 30 clones out of my aero cloner and about 10 did the same thing.
Mine are in 1 gallon pots so I just put a ziplock bag over it as a little humidity dome after I sprayed the plant and inside of the bag. Overnight under my 400 mh they all bounced right back right as rain it's been 24 hours and I have'nt take the bags off. Do so slowly take the dome or bag off for a 30 throw it back on for another half a day nothing shocking or stressful.

Just my .02 but yeah don't let your plants sit in their own water that's rookie stuff ;).
Add a capful of hydrogen peroxide every gallon of water it's what I have been doing for years when I do soil.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a case of root rot.
I hope your not keeping your plants sitting in a pan of water, when you water them.
Drainage, drainage, drainage. This is very important when watering.

You should water your plants, have it drain into the pan, then toss the water thats in the pan.

When you have root rot, there really is no way of recovery.
You could try cloning your plants and starting over.

Alright Ill tell you something Im not proud of... I took an xbox 360 box, put a big trash bag in it, filled it up with my medium and put about 10 holes in the bottom, and 10 holes spread out around the side... I have had success in boxes before... lol truley nigger rigged.


Well-Known Member would really have to drop the thing 4 foot or and land it on spikes. lol. just dont transplant around 4 foot ledges with spiked floors. :wink:

can u get a clearer and closer pik of that plant tho, hard to see anything in that one.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion. If you haven't watered it. I'd say you should let it sit in the dark for about 24-48 hrs then give a thorough watering. Give it a day or two, then you should take off any absolutely dead leaves and ones that really too yellow. Water it again with regular water and see if it bounces back. The next watering you should give it some nutes, I would say high in nitrogen. if it doesn't look good after a week, you should focus on your more healthy plants, as this one might be male or go hermie.
Ill have no problem doing this, do you think it will work, and why?


Well-Known Member would really have to drop the thing 4 foot or and land it on spikes. lol. just dont transplant around 4 foot ledges with spiked floors. :wink:

can u get a clearer and closer pik of that plant tho, hard to see anything in that one.

Will do sergeant...


Well-Known Member
well it looks better thats fer sure, let it dry out and c if the leaves purk up? but it looks good tho girl.;-)


Well-Known Member
well it looks better thats fer sure, let it dry out and c if the leaves purk up? but it looks good tho girl.;-)
UPDATE: Perked up and turned hermie lol..... well atleast 50% of branches have balls now, the main cola is def female.... Thinking about cutting the fucking branches off and keeping cola.

What would Happen If I did...