trees in the trees...south florida


Well-Known Member
those zip ties are going to tear through those pots in no time and your plants will fall to the ground...


Active Member
those zip ties are going to tear through those pots in no time and your plants will fall to the ground...
not going to happen. they are solid. the addition of shelving brakets made it even stronger. they dont move one bit.


Active Member
dont worry about the 3's. indoor, with a 600 watt, and threes, i got 3.5 oz off each of my bc godbuds. now, i have gone to 5's, and a 1000k bulb. am waiting to see what happens now.....


Active Member
well i guess squirells do like the smell of fish fert. at least i assume it was a squirrel. one of the pots were dug up. plant was untouched other than some roots being exposed. i used hardware cloth to cover the dirt so i dont have to worry about it happening again.


Active Member
Definitely squirrel damage. They love doing that stuff. I even find peanuts and acorns buried in my pots or just dropped in the giant hole the squirrel pawed out the soil right next to the base of the plant...
Mulligan Stew.


Well-Known Member
About half of mine are flowering here in South Florida. It seems to be mostly the ones that are getting the least direct sun. Maybe yours being in the trees are reacting to the lack of direct sunlight. How big are they?


Active Member
im lst'ing so they are not very tall but have lots of branches. i agree that they are not getting direct light all day and some are getting more light than others. they are pretty good sized though. if not lst'd they would range from 2-4 feet tall. the branches are 12-18inches.
i gave a buddy an "el nino" seed. his is budding too. ;)


Active Member
should i be switching from veg nutes to flower nutes at this point? they started budding 7-10 days ago. im using alaskan fish fert and intend to use alaska morblom if i can find it. the only local place that sells it has been out the last 2 times i went in looking.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't switch over to bloom fertz until you have "tops" or white pistil clusters forming on most of the upper half of your plants. If you start bloom fertz too early you will suffer from nitro deficiency.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
well the idea of this sound great ........ but imma pics or it never happened type of person .. soooo i have to unfollow this thread .... it sounds awesome...

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
got to love this grow ''''''
how does it look from far away (no need to post that pic...) but does it look blended with the trees...... maybe cover the pots with birds nest looking twigs