Trichome covered at 2 days old?


Well-Known Member
anyone ever recall seeing a seed sprout and appear to immediately be covered in thick trichome fur? i'm hoping it bodes well :D Both the 'primitive' leaves and the first true leaves seem to be just furry with trichomes. one other is slightly like this (white russians), but all of the other seeds that came up (like 17 total) appear normal smooth texture, no fur. am not sure if its the same seeds... but at least two of these seeds when popping basically just jumped right out of the seed: as soon as the root started to show, the primitive leaves were bursting from the seed as well...before i could even get them into the soil medium within 48 hours of placing in water.


Well-Known Member
No joy. My cpu cam wasn't having it. I'll splurge on some double AA's for my digital camera if they seem to be staying frosted (more so than usual) as more leaves come in.