triming, pruning, toping?f.i.m. ing?


Well-Known Member
I would advise against trimming except for the very bottom 1/4 of the plant the week before or after 12/12

As for topping, it works great to conserve space.

The rule of thumb is if its indica it will double in size during flower. Sativa at least double up to triple height. Topping cuts this in about half I've noticed.


Well-Known Member
Are you LSTing them? That would be the first thing I'd do.

After that, I would FIM your main cola, but you have to be careful doing that and get it in exactly the right spot which is funny because FIM actually means "Fuck, I Missed" in regards to topping :roll:

I wouldn't prune your plants leaves unless--and this is not something to do often--the leaves in question are at the bottom, not receiving much light, yellowing/mostly yellow with brown spots and easily detach from the plant without you tugging too hard on the leaf.
as said previously dont trim your plants... the only leaves that should be taken off are the ones that fall off on their own when you brush them... otherwise that is stored energy your plant is going to use during its flowering stage... as regards to fimming and topping you can do that any time after the 3 node and if you are planning on fimming/topping i would HIGHLY advise some LST as well... pot plants seem to love a bit of bondage :D

well i hope that helps mate!