Trimming help?


Active Member
I'm in week three of the flowering stage. Just wondering as the grow continues should i start cutting off the bigger leaves? The reason I ask I have seen so many post where people are talking about cutting big fan leaves out of the way so that the bud gets more light? Any help would be great!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont recommend taking fan leaves off, they are important for plants health, if u really have to do it dont go wild with that and not all of em at one time..and dont mess with those upper canopy ones..trim the ones at the bottom..


Well-Known Member
don't take off leaves that are getting hit with light, take off lower branches that aren't being hit with light, you said you were in week 3 of flower , thats pretty much the perfect time to clip all your lower growth, as the stretch just happened and you shouldn't have regrowth.


Well-Known Member
why the lower branches cant you get bud off them too my plant has bud on the lower branches should i cut them off, if so can i get high off them my plant is 4 weeks in flower thanks

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Pick up the new issue of high times, It will tell you Leave the Leafs Alone unless they are dead or dying. There are many reasons for this!


Well-Known Member
Well buds on the lower branches that get indirect light are often wispy and light, so most people trim em and maybe make like some hash if there are even any trics.


Active Member
Thanks man. I was wondering, as the bud starts filling out should I try and trim leaves back even more at that point? I have the techna flora recipe for success starter kit is this any good for nutes?


The one hit make you quit bombay shit!!!

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Well buds on the lower branches that get indirect light are often wispy and light, so most people trim em and maybe make like some hash if there are even any trics.
The day before harvest I take off all fans and any leaves with no trichs, then the day of harvest I trim off remaining leaves and smaller buds on bottom/in middle, I put all that aside for Kick Ass Puna Butter!!!
1 cookie= a 6-7 hr High:blsmoke:


Active Member
Thank you very much. Also I have 3 plants flowering I'm using a 75 watt security hps and the biggest cfl Lowe's carries its as big around as a coffee can with a hood is that gonna work? Techna flora recipe for success starter kit yea or nea?


Well-Known Member
stop.....dont trim not listen to these people telling you to trim branches and leaves...that is just about how photosynthesis works ad then ask yourself if its safe to trim leaves off......your buds do not..i not need direct sunlight to grow....they do however need the fan leaves that come out of them to collect sunlight to produce energy to give to the not cut off shit...only dead or dying leaves should be your plant ends its life cycle it will shed the leaves it doesnt use all by doesnt need your help.....

also...i use ff tiger bloom and big bloom along with molases and superthrive for my flowering.........


Active Member
Thank you very much for clearing that up. That's great about the nutes i was wondering, i just figured I would try them and see how they work. Dumb question but do you feed nutes about every other time you water?


Well-Known Member
i tend to go everyother....but every 5-7 days i give 2 straight waterings to help against burn and salt build up.....i also leach every 2 weeks.....


Well-Known Member
its just overwatering so to flush the soil of salts and old keep topping off the plant while it drains out of the bottom into a tray....keep an eye on the water in the tray...when it goes from milky nute color to clear you are good....i usually dont have to water for 2-3 days after....but its helps keep the plant healthy and stops lockup


Active Member
Thanks man! Hey sorry to keep asking questions. 75 watt hps for 2 plants yea or nea? I know its cheap and the yield will be smaller but doesn't hurt to try right?