

Well-Known Member
How do you rate it against lsd?
Boy, that's a complex question if I've ever heard one. I don't think there is a way to 'rate' LSD against mescaline IMO. They have vast differences that separate them by lightyears and symbiotic relationships that tie them together at the hip. It's all personal experience and perception. They both endow great knowledge and are equally as beneficial.


Well-Known Member
Whats more fun then?
Hehe, sorry Tme, I don't think I'm the one to answer this question in the way you need it answered, but here's my cents anyway. They both are powerful teaching tools and extremely pleasurable. I've never had isolated mesc, only ingested with the cacti, but I find it to be more chilled out and more easily guided if one becomes uncomfortable. LSD is different in that once you pay for the ticket, you're in the ride for the long haul. Although attained within time, LSD is not as easily manipulated as mesc IME.

And 'fun' is a very subjective concept. What may be fun to me, may be terrifying for another.

..You ask such hard questions.. :lol:


Well-Known Member
i think my 3 favorite would have to be LSD 2cb and then DMT. even though i havent ever had dmt yet i know the importance of it and that it will proudly hold a place close to me.