"TRIPLOID weed, not Haploid!"


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever come across this?? I once had some "Jock Horror" (someone's Jack Herer knock-off i'm sure) that was Triploid from seed. I didn't like that it was primarily sativa phenotype but i loved the fact that it was Tri-dimensional :D

Instead of dual branches forming, always three would form. It appeared to actually have a slight advantage over the normal haploid marijuana variant. But if that were truly the case, you'd think mother nature would have selected for it over time. Perhaps it is just a freak of nature though and can only be passed on by indivdual mutation rather than a genetically passed trait or something. I'd really love to being growing that strain but i somehow managed to kill it, don't remember how exactly. Only one of the seeds from this variety came up this way.

But man, you'd know exactly what you had. If you ordered some seeds you'd know that noone switcher ur seeds for the wrong stock !! Cuz every plant would grow triploid. That's a strain that i wouldn't sell for even 5000 today. But for 50 grande... forget cuttings, i'd give you the mother plant :D


Well-Known Member
How do you actually know the strain is triploid and not haploid, just by the branching?

How does the branching tell you the "ploidy" for the plant?


Well-Known Member
every weed plant i have ever grow (hundreds) and seen (thousands) was 'haploid'. it started out with an alternating branch patter like a mirror image. left and right.

a triploid has three branches from the same area rather than two. i've personally only seen this once. i wish that i would have cloned it and kept it going / tried crossbreeding for the trait or at least hermied it and got some pure triploid seeds.

just curious if anyone else has ever seen a triploid?


Well-Known Member
i thought they was the pics of the triploid,does anybody have pics of theirs? i have seen posts in forums of people that say they have got or have grown one but never with pics.


Well-Known Member
tripoloid and haploid refer to the plant body and its sex organs. triploid refers to the endosperm that develop and slowly feed the developing embryo as a result of sexual reproduction


Active Member
any requests for specific pics of the Triploid?

I'll take pics of the nodes tonight when I get home. The node's leafs & branching alternate in a 3-way pattern. the new higher node's leafs split the space between the node's leafs below it. 1/6 of a turn...


Well-Known Member
mdsurf posted this in another thread but it is totally relevant...

1. colchicine. a pretty common chemical used in gardening to cause a double in chromosomes. Making a diploid into a tetraploid. possible by soaking the seeds in solution or applying cotton balls of the solution to maristem of a young plant. It doesn't always work but lets say you manage it. The possibility of crossing a 4n plant with a 2n plant to make a 3n plant could have some benefits. 3n triploids dont go to seed because of the odd number of chromosomes cant be divided. Also 3n plants sometimes have a vigor not seen in 2n or 4n.
One problem is the idea of using colchicine as it can be a dangerous chemical. Such small amounts used would most likely be completely absent by the 2nd generation (3n plant) but it should always be considered.

So if you have a supposed Triploid couldnt you try to seed it out? If it seeds it wasnt a true triploid??? If it dont seed it was. I guess the way I understand it is there is no way to breed a true trip because of the extra chromy...so I guess clones would be the only way to continue the line and your stuck with the 3n the way it comes out and arent able to cross breed or inbreed because it wont make seeds...I dunno im possibly not understanding it all but thats what seems to make sense at the moment...


Active Member
The growth that you would clone doesn't have 3 sets of leaves. Kinda weird. I can't tell yet if we cloned, if it would be a 2 leafer or a 3 leafer, looks like a 2 leafer if we cloned.


Active Member
Upon closer inspection, it looks like it has 4 branches on one of the growths. It needs a little more time to fill in but I'll have some pics when it does.

I guess we'll have to clone this thing. Hopefully its female...