trippin on pot?


Active Member
what up :peace:

sorry in advance im so high....donno why.
ok so 15 mins ago I was bored gettin ready to pass out figured well ill roll up a joint smoke it and lay in bed with music I set myself up all good and shit smoke it to the end in about 10 mins then im layin there thinkin wow I could trip out or somethin im so high and I was really stoned so started thinking of pcp salvia and shit I think i tripped myself out and the song please dont carry me away to far or w/e the classical rong song was makin me feel like i was floating and my walla snad doors were all fuckin trippinme out hella and ive taken shrooms b4. and tripped balls so i was remembing shit from that cuz ive done them alot in this house.


Well-Known Member
I've had shit like that happen. Smoked 5 bowls out of a metal pen cap(so they were small bowls) on my homemade bong and sat in my backyard. Then the twilight made everything, including my dog, seem as if it were a cartoon. I was probably inhaling some melting/burning plastic from the plastic stem. But nonetheless, it was one of my most memorable highs.


Well-Known Member
i got some good weed one time and it made me trip it was weird as shit. every time i would move my hands i would see like tracers and i couldn't take my eyes off of them i probably looked pretty stupid waving my hands around like a pentecostal. lmao


Well-Known Member
i once smoked 40 minibowls out of a pencle eraserhead cap fuzed with a cigarette into a phillies cigar case..

That was my last year of highschool, been there all 3 years..I was 2 blocks away..

I was lost..ended up staying downtown for the rest of the day..


Active Member
The first time I smoked pot I tripped hard. So I was hmm... about 13 I think back then I smoked cigars (I thought they were cool or something) so for my birthday a friend of mine and my cousin got together and bought a half O and rolled it in to a cigar perfect I mean perfect. I had no clue still to this day that was the biggest blunt I've ever smoked. Well I smoked this whole blunt to the face on new years eve thinking it was a cigar. Well as I started walking back to the house the world started turning like I was playing a video game or something 45 degrees one way then 45 degrees the other I stopped at the door and tried to calm down. I slowing crawled up the stairs and layed down on the couch as soon as I closed my eyes the couch with me on it fell though the floor wood flying every where I landed in the living room of the house I was in. As soon as I opened my eyes I was back I ran to the bathroom and puked for what seemed like 2 hours but in reality was maybe 15 minutes. I walked back in to the couch and slept like a baby. I didn't smoke for about 6 years after that and then it was another year until I smoked for a third time It's been fun times ever sincebongsmilie.



Well-Known Member
^^ hehehe yes it can be, but u wont trip like salvia or anything like that... its more of a body high....

Like tempratures seem to get higher real quick, you get scared, you start laughing.....

these are all trips... ^^ hehehehe we trip all day... ^^ but in a dif way.

When i started smoking 4-5 years ago...... i roll'd a spliff with 2g's at that point that was fucking like 20g's now... ^^

so i smoke'd it and im chilling on this matel fence ad it started to burn my back.... well atleast i thought it was... but i guess i was so stoned ^^

freak'd me out, it realy felt like the metal was 1000 degrees


Active Member
what up :peace:

Alot of what you guys are saying is how I fealt last night. I smoked my fat joint layin in bed with music all the sudden fealt like I was floating my body was getting really warm then it fealt like someone poured buckets of cold water on me my head was really blocked it fealt and when I would lay down my legs locked up hard. my senses were really heightened and colors were more vibrant it was fun a nice high. I almost wonder if the papers did it to me cause the herb was nothing special at all. dragonfly papers coconut flavored


Well-Known Member
i remember when i first started to blaze. i smoked a giant ass bong bowl and went right to sleep.

I was playingwith purple orbs with bob marley


Active Member
This would have made more sense to me if it happened awhile ago, I smoke throughout the day everyday I am going to roll another one when I get home and see if it has the same effects.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I got an eighth once from a friend. I smoked my normal 2-3 bong hits, what it takes for the shit we get around here, and jumped in the shower. I was trippping so hard that when i got out of the shower I dumped the rest down the toilet. After I came down i was kicking myself for wasting such good weed.....


Well-Known Member
one time me and my friend had a contest to see who could smoke more bowls in 10 minutes after bowl 6 it took us about the remaining 5 mins to load and smoke just one bowl, we were tripping, we were trying to fall asleep by greening out