Trouble checking out trichomes


Well-Known Member
I have a loup in fact I have two and I’m having a hell of a time looking at trichomes. I used to use my iPhone but my current phone is a pos and doesn’t take good pics. These were taken with my wife’s phone. Is there something other than a loup or a phone that I can use to look at trichomes? My hands shake when I’m trying to look which also makes it difficult. Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Scope the sides of buds and not the crowns. The scope I posted - I’ve had one since 2011. Works like a charm even in the dark.


Active Member
Amazon has 100x digital scopes for like 23 bux. You DL an app and get nice pics on your device.

However, you will need a stand or something to hold them in the right spot. It must be still when taking pics


Well-Known Member
If you're having trouble due to shaky hands or eyesight, Amazon sells tons of magnifying glasses that have one weak lens and one "45x" little lens underneath. They are $4 each and actually work decently because you don't have to crouch down and stick your eyeball in it. Honestly it's great to have for just looking at your leaves up close too.


Well-Known Member
If you get a digital scope you’ll need some kind of stand to use it. I got one and at those big magnifications it’s near impossible to keep things in focus with your hands.

Have you tried putting the loupe right on top of the phones camera? Thats what I ended up having to do, but make sure the fans are off first so the buds aren’t moving at all.


Well-Known Member
Just stop checking all together and wait for the buds to stop swelling, then harvest.


Well-Known Member
Why are you checking them? For concentrates? Because the trichs can lead you to early harvest.
Because I can’t really tell under the light and all the lights in the house are those pos CFls and seem to change the color. Last ones kicked out white hairs atop of foxtails. I honestly lost track of when I planted and since they are my own cross there is no breeder time to go off of anyways


Well-Known Member
Just stop checking all together and wait for the buds to stop swelling, then harvest.

How do you tell when they stopped swelling? I mean my memory isn’t good with things like that to be honest. I always remember things smaller or larger.


Well-Known Member
Take lots of pictures to compare.

it seems like a lot of buds grow the little knobs when they’re finished. Like the start of foxtails but they don’t grow.