True Beginner / Poor Man's Grow


Well-Known Member
niiiiiiice man!helluva update bro!
Thanks man, I appreciate it! You have an update coming soon? (Last time I looked at your thread ya'll were talking about dog races :P)

im a newbie for shit, but that is awesome nice work!
Thanks man, Stick around! I'd love to help you out! I might not know everything, but I can definitely point you in the right directions.

I think I'm finally getting a hold on timing. It seems like all but 2 of the plants are the same strain, and the strains I have going are just 10-12 week(ers). The calyxs on Cinderella are finally starting to swell and throw on some trichs. I was starting to get a little discouraged because of her, but now I realize I just needed to wait a little longer. Hopefully she'll be done in around 1.5-2 weeks. Number 6 is doing the same thing as Cinderella, so I'm guessing I really didn't stunt her as much as I thought I did. This strain seems to be a late bloomer (Starts off with a couple of bud sites, then by the last 2-4 weeks of flowering it just goes through a crazy swell period and finally looks like weed.)

The outside plant died :( I waited to long in between feedings, and he burned to time I'll be sure and plant them properly in the ground, and water them regularly.

I'm having a real hard time getting clones to take. I'm not to sure what the problem is, maybe moisture???? I havn't been putting them in a dome, but I figured I didn't need to since they were all standind up right and not drooping, and they are holding color. Some have been in the cab for about 2-3 weeks out of 3 that I pulled from the jiffy pellets only 1 had roots that were maybe about 1/8th in. long (Only 2 also). Should I be putting them in a dome??? or give them more water??????

(I use Schultz Take Root, and soak them in tap water for about 20 mins before dipping.) (Also I have tried splicing the stem, scraping the outside layer off, and leaving them perfectly alone...all have the same result)

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
hey buddy! i suggest a dome.i use green light rooting powder straight to soil.i dont mist the plant,i mist the dome.i dont even open the domes for 4 days at least.mine root in 2 weeks.3wks have fat roots.same results with 3 diff strains now too.i take small cuttings,i cut at 45 deg,scrape the stems.i also make sure there is at least 4 nodes on the cutting,and 2 are below soil if possible.ya know where the node is below the soil is usually rt where the roots start.i use 12 oz clear cups with a qrt. container w/hole in top as dome on ea cup.i cut the big leaves in half also.heres a pic ~its on the right .cup and dome. excellent clone rate this way.



Well-Known Member
the single cola there was a clone and she had her time in the cup&dome as well.that cola is a result of flowering as soon as she rooted.
Definitely gonna go out and by some 16 oz cups Friday when I get paid, never thought about that!

very nice pyschild!! looking real good. i have 11 dogs running tomorrow night starting in the 2nd, ROR.
Awesome, I'll check it out....about what time tomorrow night?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
yah man worx real well.that pic is actually a 16 oz party cup.i only had 3 clear cups at that time so i used red cup.clear is nice cuz u can see when thay the red cups i upcan'em to see if theres roots yet.


Well-Known Member
Waddup Everybody? So I got payed this past weekend and bought a few things I needed. I tried looking at Lowe's for some soil and nutes but they didn't seem to cary anything worth using. I thought about asking a local nursery if they would be interested in ordering some jacks, but have yet to do that. I did find a PH meter, and right now my soil sits around 6.3-6.8. I burned Ariel with this last feeding so I decided to take the nutes out and just give her plain water for a few days. I'll give her some more nutes at about 1/6th strength instead of 1/4th strength. The veg cab is finally coming alive. 3-4 clones took root and are starting to grow a little... I topped the DWC Clone I had twice, and have topped my 75/25 little blue pot clone once. I got my intake fan for the veg cab so now I have a constant airflow blowing on the plants. Also picked up a soda can sized many things I can do with it! I went ahead and harvested a small bud from Cinderella thursday. I let it dry out until yesterday, then threw it in a jar. Today I smoked it! Exactly what I expected, a decent head high, but nothing major. I can't wait to sample the final product. Hopefully I don't rush the curing process.


First Bud & Bowl:

Veg Cab:​

New Fan:

Party Cup Entry #1:

Party Cup Entry #2:

DWC Clone:

Flowering Cab:​

Number 6:







nothing like hittin that bowl of free homegrown, i love your setups man that veg cab is nifty as hell! subbed for sure


Well-Known Member
I know it's only been a few days since the last update, but I figured I'd go ahead and post a mini update. Remember that 175w Ballast that I found that wouldn't work? Well I watched a video on youtube tonight and realized I was wiring up the ballast wrong. It works now!!! I'm going tomorrow to the local hardware store to get proper wire covers and safer wiring for the ballast. After that I'm throwing it in the closet! Gonna see if I can run all my CFL's and that MH at the same time!
