Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad
Representatives for
Barack Obama sent
a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses
the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."
The ad was made by The Committee to Defend the President, a super PAC that works to help President Donald Trump and hurt his Democratic rivals, including Biden. It is slated to air in television stations across South Carolina this week.
"This unauthorized use of President Obama's name, image, likeness, voice and book passage is clearly intended to mislead the target audience of the ad into believing that the passage from the audiobook is a statement that was made by President Barack Obama during his presidency, when it was in fact made by a barber in a completely different context more than 20 years ago," stated the letter