Trump refusing to unveil Obama's portrait at the White House


Well-Known Member
That’s what I like about you Bob, you don’t trust anyone. :cool:
That is an actual picture of Rob, I figure we should get him to run against Trump for the GOP nomination, spit the party. If Rob ever expounded on his political theories of freedom he would enchant them, especially if he wore his monkey suit. I say RUN ROB ROY. People, what have you got to lose? I say throw off yer oppressive chains and live free and probably die. Could Rob really be any worse than Donald? Once the base gets a look at Rob Donald will sweat for his job.


Well-Known Member
Another sign from a man who is as far from classy as possible. Don is going over to see the portrait and massage little Donny when the Rotunda is closed for the night.
$500,000 for a portrait from a living painter sounds like Banksy painted it. It's a great tradition but we should miss having one painted of Donald unless is the guy who did "Dogs Playing Cards does it or maybe a spray painting artist.


Well-Known Member
Just another piece of shit Republican. No shortage of those.

What happened to the party of Lincoln and Rossevelt?


Well-Known Member
Another sign from a man who is as far from classy as possible. Don is going over to see the portrait and massage little Donny when the Rotunda is closed for the night.
$500,000 for a portrait from a living painter sounds like Banksy painted it. It's a great tradition but we should miss having one painted of Donald unless is the guy who did "Dogs Playing Cards does it or maybe a spray painting artist.
Paint him ugly as he is and set him in a graveyard with tombstones all around, if he's gonna have one, then it would be appropriate. I wonder what the national memorial to the Covid-19 victims is gonna look like? How many symbolic tombstones are they gonna have there? The center of the place should be Trump's "library", a lesson for future generations about the danger of electing a psychopathic moron to be POTUS. TV screens can play his biggest hits from the rallies, like we show video's of Hitler's rants today. Future generations will have a hard time getting their heads around this period of history and what some people saw in Donald, just like we used to think about Hitler.

Donald explains a lot about Hitler and what went on in Nazi Germany, in a way America is a repeat performance, but with a larger percentage of assholes and stronger democratic institutions, Still, if Donald had half a brain he'd have a chain around yer neck by now or after november. The base will await the next "Donald" and he won't be nearly ass stupid as this one, though just as evil.
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Well-Known Member
“I think that there’s probably a lot of us out there, but I just happen to be bold enough to say, ‘Hey, I’m following Q because I want to know, because if the Q team is real, I want to know about it,’” Perkins added in the same interview, in which she compared believing in Q to believing in Jesus Christ, as a matter of faith that transcends proof.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Stupid Hitler.

DIY, you need to take a break. Get out and mow the lawn or something. :D
Soon, sitting in front of the computer with this thing open in a tab is fun! But there's yard work to be done and the weather is turning nice in CB, I got stuck into this shit during lockdown! With this coronavirus thing it's like a giant social science study in the midst of a tragedy, the drama couldn't be higher, I thought the Trump phenomenon was interesting and sought to learn more, but this shit takes it to a whole other level. Here, us Canadians get an inside peek at the nuthouse and get to speak to and shit on Trumpers, another draw for me!

Pitying Americans is a new feeling for most Canadians, most think the poor bastards are fucked, I hold out hope. Donald might burn the shining city on the hill to the fucking ground, but a better one will be built on the ashes of the old. Besides, Canadian politics is boring, as it should be, no drama required and no drama queens allowed. BTW a Canadian owns this forum and we gotta show the flag and help the Americans see how civilized folk live, we're on a mission to the heathen Bubbles!:p:D


Well-Known Member
Fuck that shit... I'd cover both their pictures ( Trumps and Obama's) with a Snap-On Calendar and call it a day ! i'd rather look at a nice set of tata's over a couple ugly old dudes !


Well-Known Member
Fuck that shit... I'd cover both their pictures ( Trumps and Obama's) with a Snap-On Calendar and call it a day ! i'd rather look at a nice set of tata's over a couple ugly old dudes !
Yer not gonna vote for either of them so don't worry to much about it, lot's of people will vote tough, even in the middle of a pandemic, to get rid of Trump they will be showing up at the polls in full PPE if required