Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un

Watch for russia to make the offer to host the talks, this is not going to end well.
You're impugning the Chump's negotiating prowess?

You're suggesting that he's out of his depth when dealing with foreign leaders on high stakes issues?

Are you saying that someone who can't run a casino in the black is a poor choice to lead nuclear talks?

Keep talking. I'm liking what you're saying!
Kim Jong Un has secret meeting with Pompeo over Easter and now announces end to testing and closure of a nuclear development site. Nobel Peace Prize for Trump now real possibility. LMFAO!
Kim Jong Un has secret meeting with Pompeo over Easter and now announces end to testing and closure of a nuclear development site. Nobel Peace Prize for Trump now real possibility. LMFAO!
wait, you're dumb enough to actually believe that?

when did the mueller investigation end btw?
I wouldn't doubt it if tillerson does get the Nobel Peace prize. He was doing an amazing job with negotiations until Trump fired him just to take the credit.
Jesus these orange turd lovers are stupid. The NK test site is unstable and needed to be closed for that reason. Little Kim never said anything about giving up what he already has morons. Putin is pulling the strings with little kim and dotard and it's all just a show for the idiots of the world.
Kim Jong Un has secret meeting with Pompeo over Easter and now announces end to testing and closure of a nuclear development site. Nobel Peace Prize for Trump now real possibility. LMFAO!


Your celebration may be premature.

Kim Jong Un's latest play for peace was actually a declaration that it's ready for nuclear war — and it just may get it

But Kim's stated reason for pausing tests gives a different impression.

"No nuclear test and intermediate-range and intercontinental ballistic rocket test-fire are necessary for the DPRK now, given that the work for mounting nuclear warheads on ballistic rockets was finished," North Korean media quoted Kim as saying, using an abbreviation for the country's official name.


They said they were going to end their program in 2008 too. They were even kind enough to produce a video of the destruction of a reactor.

Bush was so pleased he solved the North Korean nuclear issue, he even removed them from the terror list. I don't know if those Nobel guys ever got around to giving him one of those peace prizes you mentioned.

U.S. Declares North Korea Off Terror List

It's a trap. Kim just wants to get Trump close so that Trump can be taken out. Kim has as much a history of being a lying manipulative cunt as Trump himself. And that is if Kim even agreed to the talks, given the lengths that Trump is willing to go to for his image and branding.
i hope so, casue then we'd be rid of trump, and have an excuse for nuking the fuck out of north korea, two problems solved in one hour....