Trump Wants To Limit Aid For Low-Income Americans

I didn't get any handouts from host country. Of course it was a sane country with universal health care

Sort of like a slave work / travel pass all rolled into one.

As long as the slave sends some money back to the home plantation eh?

immigrants do this now to their home country- it's big business sending money..Walmart just raised their domestic pricing to $8 over $50. Under $50 is $4.

16% is a lot, if you send $50.

But woooohooo! Walmart!
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There are people of every economic level that take advantage or brake the rules for gain, what about rich people cheating on their taxes and insurance fraud. Why is it when poor people cheat they're criminals and lazy and when rich people do it they 're just smart.

because rich people have money and poor people don't..rinse and repeat..poor people have to spend what they have to live, irregardless of the cheat.

wealthy people have the $$ to hire an attorney and receive justice. poor people get jail.

true justice is only for those who can pay for it.
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Giving rich people more money makes them work harder. Not giving poor people money also makes them work harder. You can't argue with that logic. /s
Rob Roy when you have universal health care that is affordable you have a lot more money for life. American health care is robbing Americans of better life. If you don't think its crazy something is wrong, maybe you don't know what's out there?
I can only say one thing, Trump Supporters would Eat out of a Toilet and wear Rags to keep this moron in the W.H. His base will be affected but they will not care.

As King Donald Say's "SAD"

some rednecks are into gambling bigly more than scratch-offs- they go to casinos..where do they get their money from?

i like to win at a game, but i don't derive pleasure from gambling with my money..
I do agree with 2 of those points. If you are sponsoring a foreigner for a green card part of that promise is that they won't become recipients of certain services. There's a difference between asylum seekers and others. Anybody coming to this country with a green card and a sponsor should expect on working and paying their own way. Not rocket science. And if you sponsored someone it's right there in the contract, you may be forced to support them above the poverty level if they don't support themselves.

And something certainly needs to be done to get some recipient to work. I work in a related industry and half of my recipients are scamming the system. People 100% capable of working. Got a bad back can't work....but playing catch with their service animal and running around.

I have been an immigrant, and my wife is a green card holder. When I was an immigrant I was expected to work and I didn't get any handouts from host country. Of course it was a sane country with universal health care and groceries didn't cost 1/3 of your salary to eat something that wasn't toxic to your body.

More train to work programs need to be tied into their support with a limit on how long they can get that support if they are able. The system and the people already in it rot they young. Again, I see it all the time, people get initiated into the system and learn that it's much wiser to stay in the system. Government studied how much a single mother with need to make an hour in order to pay out of pocket for all the services she receives for free and it was $18 an hour. And people are crying about $15 an hour minimum.

Daily conversation with poor

Me: What income do you have
Poor: None
Me: How did you buy those cigarettes and pay for your iPhone?

Those kids getting SNAP should work harder.
There are people of every economic level that take advantage or brake the rules for gain, what about rich people cheating on their taxes and insurance fraud. Why is it when poor people cheat they're criminals and lazy and when rich people do it they 're just smart.

It's not a this or that situation though. Yes we have to make sure that the rich don't cheat on their taxes etc, but if we really want to be able to help all the people who need it and the ones who we are not helping now, then you have to cut the red tape, lower the costs, and make sure that the people ripping off the system get stopped.

I see old ladies without housing every day because there is not enough government housing to go around and yet I have a 28 year old who is healthy and a cdl license who chooses not to work...because he has ptsd. Doctors don't care, they will sign off on anything, they still get paid.
It's not a this or that situation though. Yes we have to make sure that the rich don't cheat on their taxes etc, but if we really want to be able to help all the people who need it and the ones who we are not helping now, then you have to cut the red tape, lower the costs, and make sure that the people ripping off the system get stopped.

I see old ladies without housing every day because there is not enough government housing to go around and yet I have a 28 year old who is healthy and a cdl license who chooses not to work...because he has ptsd. Doctors don't care, they will sign off on anything, they still get paid.
PTSD is real.....
And fog, I'm not saying kids shouldn't get snap. I'm talking about the people abusing the system. However, when people talk about it they too often talk about the kids. Well there won't be enough for the kids if you don't tackle the bigger problem which is red tape and abuse.