Trump's UN speech


Well-Known Member
Watching the speech (*stoned*) it soon became prevalent that when addressing China, Trump did not directly address them as China when providing basically a list of their "wrong" doings (He did later state he was referring to China).This made it a little bit more universally applicable for any country, however it reminded me of a teacher addressing a lazy or poorly performing academic student in front of the class, also without providing a name but continuing to address their wrong doings.I actually could not stop laughing after thinking this and what made it even worse was the angle the camera had on his face, that would shows his intensity.That camera angle and intensity made me wonder whether he was staring at the Chinese representative and how awkward it must have been siting there. Humor aside I think the budgeting of the USA's contribution to aid is a decent point given and a reform worth making to stimulate other countries initiative within the context of UN aid.The speech on the other hand was excessive in description and the statement rejecting globalization is bold to make.
What are all your thoughts on the matter?
Happy toking.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I saw that moron say that, and the UN delegates laughed AT HIM! He is accustomed to spouting his crap in front of his witless supporters, and the laughter actually surprised him.

Whenever I see a clip of something he says, I always say "What an Ass!" :lol:

He's gonna need a yuuuuuge campaign rally to stroke his ego after this.

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
Yep they laugh at Trump for not sending billions in aid to dictators that need their giant limo fleets.

Or for not getting into useless Bush wars costing us trillions.

and they are still laughing as tariffs tank the Chinese economy while at the same time our Dow and S-P 500 hits RECORD levels.

Yep those nasty TRUMP tariffs CNN warned us about causing millions to die in the streets.

Laughing at us because we are no longer their piggy bank and ripping us off at will.

Screw the UN!


Well-Known Member
Yep they laugh at Trump for not sending billions in aid to dictators that need their giant limo fleets.

Or for not getting into useless Bush wars costing us trillions.

and they are still laughing as tariffs tank the Chinese economy while at the same time our Dow and S-P 500 hits RECORD levels.

Yep those nasty TRUMP tariffs CNN warned us about causing millions to die in the streets.

Laughing at us because we are no longer their piggy bank and ripping us off at will.

Screw the UN!
Delusional even for propaganda