Trying to do too much

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
My girls are in 3 gallon pots, they drink a 40 ouncer every 48 hours.. on average, with none or very little run off.

Every third or fourth watering I run 20% through and usually test it too.. (theoretically, at least).. hope that helps with your watering schedule and if you want a good seed bank that takes credit cards check out the Single Seed Centre for great product and customer service ? Good luck!:leaf:
Single seed looks to be my winner thanks a lot
As far as watering
Today for instance it's day 3 since any watering the pot feels pretty light
I keep a pot of just soil to compare as I didn't have enough beans pop to use all of my pots
I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to feed just to be safe and them it's just plain water.
How do I tell if they NEED nutes?
I'm in ffhf soil using their nutes
My newer growth keeps coming in a much lighter nearly yellow shade and the leaves are very thin
Am I watching for yellowing on the lower leaves ? Should I just do plain h2o until it eats all the nutrients already on the soil?
Or so like I have been and add the half strength nutes every 3 Rd watering?


Well-Known Member
I missed how old they were but based on what you said about the green growth I would start at about a quarter to a third strength right now

I've had some strains go six weeks in Fox Farm and others needed feeding as early as two so there's no one answer for this I'm afraid you'll have to watch your plants and just start at a lighter dose than the bottle recommends

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
I missed how old they were but based on what you said about the green growth I would start at about a quarter to a third strength right now
Sprouted first true leaves Thursday may 24th on its age

I've had some strains go six weeks in Fox Farm and others needed feeding as early as two so there's no one answer for this I'm afraid you'll have to watch your plants and just start at a lighter dose than the bottle recommends
Sprouted first set of true leaves Thursday may 24th

Pics are just today's update waiting on this netting to get here to set up a scrog.
Waiting on real seeds soon yay
Thanks for all the help so far



Well-Known Member
My girls are in 3 gallon pots, they drink a 40 ouncer every 48 hours.. on average, with none or very little run off.

Every third or fourth watering I run 20% through and usually test it too.. (theoretically, at least).. hope that helps with your watering schedule and if you want a good seed bank that takes credit cards check out the Single Seed Centre for great product and customer service ? Good luck!:leaf:
Thats about what I do too. 3 gal fabric pots, and I give each of them a half a gallon, but I get a little more runoff. Maybe I should be feeding less water through it. I'm starting to see some deficiency although I know I'm adding it and making it accessible to the plant. Maybe less water, less runoff, is the solution?


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna spend all that money you might as Well chuck the bagseed and get some professional seeds. You're just wasting time on bagseed trust me bro.
I 2nd this. most beginners dont buy as much equipment as you are. and having quality equipment doesent always mean quality and results . equipment is 50% of the battle. the other is genetics . and any good grower will agree with that. most bag seeds have mediocre results at best. You want to be aware of what strain and it's lineage whether indica or sativa . seeds are fairly inexpensive so you should try looking up seedsman or southern oregon seeds

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
I can order off Amazon with this card all day no problems .... Try to order some beans and omylanta.
So looks like im going to have to mail in cash for my beans so going to be a slight delay on that

I ordered a water meter ? I can't remember the real name
It's a sensor I stick in my soil and it's supposed to kinda tell me when the soil is dry so I can know the right times to water

Broke out my bubble buckets I had in a closet just to see if they worked even lol they do

This is the current update to my flowing changing in over my head plan
In my closet I'd like to put the 400 mh and use it as my veg room
I cleaned out my junk room and want to put my 1000 watt HP's in there and use it as my flower room.
I would need another fan but I don't think I'll need another filter
I wouldnt need one in the vegging room would I ? Just the fan for heat?
I may have found someone with some clones whos not just trying to sound cool
If so
I'd like to put them in the bubble buckets
I'm running one of them just so I can check the water temps thru out the hours the light would be on
I've heard maintaining the room temp with hydro is even more crucial so don't want to effectively it up
That's kinda why I don't mind running this bagseed
It's mainly a trial run so that when I do order my beans I have things under control.
I don't want to be having these heat and water and construction OK n my room going on while I have real beans going.

I do try some auto flowers
So i have 5 one gal grow bags waiting as well going to try to get some nursery soil for them can't afford the shipping on good soil .

My two water comes out at 7 on pH tester
Added some pH down its now at 6.7 in my gal jug haven't added nutes so wanted to wait before I added anything g else
Next watering is just water anyways
So i need to get it down a smidge more gonna go double check some threads and see what my pH is supposed to be with and without nutes


Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
The picture with the 3 buckets is the room I want to plastic off and use as my flower room
Going to drive some hooks into the ceiling to hang the light from in middle of the room and.set up my scrog net

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
Fed the plants today was looking all saggy
Had been 4 days since last feeding.
I messed up and looked at calendar wrong so it got nutes again
I picked up the pot and it was hella light
So I gave it just under a gallon
I know I'm told is too much.
I watered really slowly just 1 cup at a time
Poured in one cup went and did something g else
It took me close to an hour to give it the water still wasn't getting anything near the 20% runoff.
I put it on a milk crate and put the milk crate in a tote to measure my runoff and test its pH
No runoff
I mean a little on the sides but that's it
Bottom of the pot still felt dry to me
But I'd rather under than over water.
Got some clone powder tonight
Took a cutting just to try
Don't have a dome or anything
Just a cutting in a cup of water
I read quite a few posts about it and saw lots of successful pics.
Thought may as well try
Worst case scenario it doesn't root.
Best case it DOES and I can sex it
Gonna be so salty if all this time wasted on a male.

Lst'd the branches down just to try to get more light penetration
Also have 2 outside just in case this one's a male I'll try one of the others
If it's a she awesomeness


Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
Got my net and a few other things in today yay
Also while walking around outside I noticed I had a gutter I wasn't using
Is kinda dirty.
I also have q 90 degree PVC pipe and a 2 foot piece. ALSO still having minor heat issues
Down to 88 during the part of the day the lights on with the sun up.

So I took and put em together
So I have a pipe laid against my a/c unit now with cold air blowing down the pipe into my room thru my old hole I knocked in previously when I had my filter wrong
I also got my black foam filter today so am placing it around the pipe blocking off the hole but still allowing lots of airflow.
I held it to my mouth and had no problem at all breathing thru it like q mask for the 5ish minutes I tried it
But it does pretty good job of focusing the light that comes in from my bedroom .
Am gonna go tread up on scrogging
Si I can hang my net at the right height
Got the soil moisture meter as well
Plants hella light when i took it out but it's too early to need water I think gonna also read up on moisture symptoms
Jeez I ramble.

Picked up 2 heavy duty hooks for my flower room when it gets put together
Just so I can hang the light and not worry

Also taking the pool out of the room it's sides are too tall gotta trim it down just want it like 2 inches tall

Can now check the Rh with my temps too


Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
The random black pic is the AC intake after the filter is on while light is on.
Still have q few spots need to fix with duct tape
Is that Rh ok? I am still working on the temps but after 3 hours still only 84
Dunno why it says 90 as a high it never got up there is weird maybe cause is new? I dunno

I measured the plant with pot on my base tutorial said screen should be 8 inches above the top it the pot
So I am putting these hooks in to hang my net from
After it fills a bit I'ma swap to 12_12 and see



Well-Known Member
Hello friend. I hope that you do not mind me commenting, I am no expert. I seen that you were worried about over-watering. That plant looks under-watered to me. How did that soil moisture meter work out?

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
So I looked at my light and realised yeah. I messed up

Nets too high in the room
Would only have about 2 feet any then my plants would be crowding my fan and the glass on my light.
Took me like an hour to get all that don't feel like changing it atm
Considering sinking some hooks into the ceiling beams, that would give me another 3 feet of rope and I COULD possibly flip the fan on TOP of the beam it's hanging from
BUT I feel much safer with it hanging
It's not going to fall
I'm not out to balance it on top of the 2x4 ......

Looks like im going to have to take it down remove a bucket and let it veg some more
I undid all my lst as well cause it wasn't necessary to keep it tied down since was under the net
Lol... Thank God I'm not doing all this to good genetics hooray for bagseed

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
Hello friend. I hope that you do not mind me commenting, I am no expert. I seen that you were worried about over-watering. That plant looks under-watered to me. How did that soil moisture meter work out?
I tested it on a plant outside. One of the ol ladies flowers she just watered today
It JUMPED to wet
So I tried it on one i watered a day ago and it moved to moist
So I jammed it into the roots of my plant ( didn't think that thru when I ordered it) and it says moist but not by much.
I've been having watering issues
Trying to get it dialed in so I'm not over watering
I read in a few forums that it's better to under rather than over water
So I cut back from an entire gallon at a time
I WANT to water it but it honestly doesnt feel as light as it usually does when I water.
I think my issue isn't the frequency of my waterings rather the amount I'm using.
Thanks for the comment
Much appreciated

David Music

Active Member
The random black pic is the AC intake after the filter is on while light is on.
Still have q few spots need to fix with duct tape
Is that Rh ok? I am still working on the temps but after 3 hours still only 84
Dunno why it says 90 as a high it never got up there is weird maybe cause is new? I dunno

I measured the plant with pot on my base tutorial said screen should be 8 inches above the top it the pot
So I am putting these hooks in to hang my net from
After it fills a bit I'ma swap to 12_12 and see
temps consistently over 85°f and rh being at 60% why not just kill the plant and stop the suffering


Well-Known Member
I agree that most of your issue is temperature related, possibly also light related, that is way more light then needed for that plant right now. That plant is going to be a monster when it starts to stretch.
Letting your plant start to wilt a little before you give water again is a good way to figure out a schedule for watering. A wilted plant will literally recover in minutes right before your eyes. Where an overwatered plant will be stunted and have a host of other issues along with it.... I however like to water and wait for wilt to get my schedule dialed in.
Ok I believe this could cause confusion. You certainly don't wait until it wilts between each watering. Just as an initial judgement? I can see several leaves on this plant that are wilted in each picture. I wouldn't mind if someone wants to correct me. I don't think you ever had an over watering problem. It was heat and light stress. And those leaves that wilted when you let it dry out too long, don't always come back. I can see several leaves that are clearly drought damage beyond recovery. Now the plant isn't suffering horribly from that. But it shows that underwatering is also not optimal. Good draining soil in smart pots is way different than the junk we used to use with plastic pots. But I am not there to judge, your soil does not look over watered in any of the pics from here.
In short I think there was confusion earlier on this thread. There maybe never was an over watering issue. I think it is more likely to be an overabundance of heat and maybe light. I am not an expert I just always notice alot of confusion on online threads. Everyone posting when they are in bed after smoking the night night strain. LOL. Why I didn't post a long one last night. Happy growing :)

Prince Vegeta

Well-Known Member
I agree that most of your issue is temperature related, possibly also light related, that is way more light then needed for that plant right now. That plant is going to be a monster when it starts to stretch.

Ok I believe this could cause confusion. You certainly don't wait until it wilts between each watering. Just as an initial judgement? I can see several leaves on this plant that are wilted in each picture. I wouldn't mind if someone wants to correct me. I don't think you ever had an over watering problem. It was heat and light stress. And those leaves that wilted when you let it dry out too long, don't always come back. I can see several leaves that are clearly drought damage beyond recovery. Now the plant isn't suffering horribly from that. But it shows that underwatering is also not optimal. Good draining soil in smart pots is way different than the junk we used to use with plastic pots. But I am not there to judge, your soil does not look over watered in any of the pics from here.
In short I think there was confusion earlier on this thread. There maybe never was an over watering issue. I think it is more likely to be an overabundance of heat and maybe light. I am not an expert I just always notice alot of confusion on online threads. Everyone posting when they are in bed after smoking the night night strain. LOL. Why I didn't post a long one last night. Happy growing :)
Thanks very much I'm still learning. Qlot.
Would I be better off using the 400 for vegging? This watering is a pain to me for now will be very happy when I have it all figured out.
When is the better time to water after light goes off or when it's been on for a few hours?