Trying To Get Started


Well-Known Member
So, I am trying to get a space started to grow this one lemon kush seed my fiance's friend gave me...I sprouted it in a jiffy mini greenhouse in the peat pellet and this bastard has grown like a madman almost as soon as I put it in there. I also threw in some bag seeds I had from some decent regs, nothing to write home about though.

I have since transplanted it into a regular flower pot filled with Miricle Grow Organic potting soil, two of the reg seeds have sprouted as well and I also transplanted them into pots....I know this isn't ideal, but it was what I had on hand and the kush had already grown roots into the other pellets around it lol

I got a soil Ph test kit today and a digital thermometer with humidity reading, I also got a 3 pack of 23w(100w equivalant) screw in cfl bulbs. Picked up 2 emergency blankets as well to line closet or box...

I have two options...I can use the spare closet which is 6x7x2 or I can have the fiance build me a box to whatever spec I want...

I'm leaning twords the box idea because I really want to use LEDs, but failing that, cfls. Our electric bill runs between 50 and 70 dollars a month and I live in a VERY police happy state so I'd like to fly under the radar as much as possible...not to mention the heat issues here in the south...

If all three sprouts make it (fingers crossed) they will be all that's in the garden this time around...

I should mention that I have only attempted this once before some years ago before I was shut down by the fucking mother of all spider mite infestations....I have done extensive research into growing but you can't really know what you're doing until you do it.

I know these cfls I have now won't be all I'll need in the way of lighting, and I think they are warm white anyway, which I read somewhere on here is better for flowering than veg....

So, wanting to stay away from traditional high heat output and energy consumption, what would be the optimum set up for this arrangement? Build a box and fill it with more cfls? I read on another post of people using the LED floods and having good results, what about four of those supplemented with a few cfl bulbs?

Oh, the closet I'm talking about is completely cement as all the outside walls of our place are cement, so I'm a little scetchy about having to drill into them since we rent...

If I have to, I suppose I could invest in a MH setup, but I really don't want the electric to spike up all of a sudden, although it is getting summertime so I'm sure everyone will be spiking....

I've been searching the forum for this info but I'm trying to break up a bunch of herb for brownies tomorrow ( HAPPY 420!!!!) and I haven't even had a chance to smoke today so I'm not at my most attentive lol.

I'd include pics but my card reader craped out on me so no way to upload atm...

This kush seedling is freaking me out a little growing so damn fast, it's only been about 5 days sice germination and it's already 4-5 inches tall...

If anyone needs additional info please let me know and I will supply if I can...I know I'm kinda jumping around here but that's how my brain works...scarey ain't it?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I really wasn't thinking clearly when I bought these bulbs, funny how a few tokes will clear things right up lol...

Maybe for side lighting if that so I'm off to home depot to see what's available as lowe's lighting selection sucks ass and that's where I was earlier...

I'm such a tard about lighting I feel like I have a good understanding of the whole process of growing the damn things but the lighting sends me into a fucking tizzy...


Well-Known Member
That plant shooting up so fast really isn't a good thing. It is trying to find light and it is "stretching". This leads to many problems. Get new lights and get them right up to the leaves so they stop.


Well-Known Member
Hey I am in the same boat as you I have a nice area for growing, i plan on around 6-8 plants but I cant get a good answer on my lighting problem.. I am gona use cfl's for the mother and cloning but not sure what to use on my flowering area.. Our electric bill runs about 80-90 a month and we are in an apartment complex so it would be really hard to vent one of the bigger light setup's but im open for suggestions..


Well-Known Member
I think your best bet would be to go with a 150-250w hps light for your room if you are concerned about energy (150-250 watts is not going to get anyones attention), that will do a few plants just fine and maybe use some cfl's for supplemental side lighting. Make sure to vent well and you shouldn't have too much of a heat issue with lights that size. What picasso was saying is true you should try to get them some better light asap. If your plant starts to get tall right now you won't be able to reverse that and your plant is going to stay lanky and will be harder to get adequate light.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the suggestions, I just went out and bought a tub and lighting fixture to replicate a cfl box I saw on another thread...

It's only been getting regular sunlight so far, no artificial at all...

The home depot in my area sucks for anything I was trying to find, guess it's online for me...

On a happier note, I'm fixing to make brownies, yay me!

Thanks again y'all!