Ttystikk's vertical goodness


Well-Known Member
The plants look awesome brother. Ive got 16 happy seedlings, awaiting #17 to pop up with 2 which will come down within the next month. These seedlings have already been through few weeks worth of shitty weather and high winds so they should be well strong to explode (hopefully).
Thank you, Sir! Mine don't have to weather tropical storms, just operator error.

I always dig pics of your crib and the locale. Sorry to hear things are rough right now.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, Sir! Mine don't have to weather tropical storms, just operator error.

I always dig pics of your crib and the locale. Sorry to hear things are rough right now.
Yep mine get some Op error + tropical weather :). Thanks man, its gonna turn around soon, just gotta get through another month of no cash. Ive got a short interview in the morning for some contracting work offshore (2 months worth of work) here so hopefully be able to bank some cash


Well-Known Member
Looks great, can't wait for you cob vs cdm yield reports after a few runs
I am seeing glimpses of the potential already, but I've yet to get anywhere close to dialed in. For example, even with serious nutrient problems I'm getting record yields of two pounds and more for a single plant. Few plants approach that yet, so I'm hoping the substrate change will help improve consistency...


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got a head scratcher for y'all; last run, one of my modules wasn't working and so the plant only had three modules on it rather than four.

That's the new record yielder. Haven't weighed it yet but it looks bigger than two.

Go figure? I honestly think I'm dealing with the plant's inability to handle all the light I'm giving them. It could be my fault, as the final pre bloom veg ran just 1/6 the PAR W/sq ft of the COB rack. I've since bumped the watts of lighting in the prebloom zone up by 85%, hoping to handle this problem before it happens.

Above, I discussed that I ran half the modules for several days, added the third for several more days and turned up the fourth and last only after a full week in bloom on the trellis. Now at day 15, they aren't laying down 'as much' as my last two batches.

Maybe more nutes? I'm easing my EC upward to see what happens. They've been eating a hundred gallon batch down from EC 2.1 to 1.6 in less than a week. So this time their fresh batch is EC 2.3, we'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member

He is experiencing diminished return s from too much direct light. He also cant get farther away..

I would say dim them and document results.

This is also where the use of an arduino controller could simulate time of day by controlling output over the span of 12hrs.
I respectfully disagree. I'm experiencing light shock from inadequate lighting in prebloom veg. The difference in PAR is a factor of six!


Well-Known Member
Have you laid a par meter under your cob panels vs cdm?
No. I did the math on the lighting involved, however;

315x4=1260W x 38% efficiency = 480W of PAR

5400W of COB LED x 56% efficiency = 3000W of PAR

Comfortably over 6:1, and certainly enough to explain light shock.

To compensate, I hooked up a supplemental 860W CDM Allstart lamp, it runs at 1000W but on a mag ballast is only 30% efficient, so another 300W of PAR for a 60% increase. Now it's hot and dry in there. Can't win! Lol


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got a head scratcher for y'all; last run, one of my modules wasn't working and so the plant only had three modules on it rather than four.

That's the new record yielder. Haven't weighed it yet but it looks bigger than two.

Go figure? I honestly think I'm dealing with the plant's inability to handle all the light I'm giving them. It could be my fault, as the final pre bloom veg ran just 1/6 the PAR W/sq ft of the COB rack. I've since bumped the watts of lighting in the prebloom zone up by 85%, hoping to handle this problem before it happens.

Above, I discussed that I ran half the modules for several days, added the third for several more days and turned up the fourth and last only after a full week in bloom on the trellis. Now at day 15, they aren't laying down 'as much' as my last two batches.

Maybe more nutes? I'm easing my EC upward to see what happens. They've been eating a hundred gallon batch down from EC 2.1 to 1.6 in less than a week. So this time their fresh batch is EC 2.3, we'll see what happens.
Updates on the weights, mates; It hit exactly two. Tied for the record with another CSD from the previous run! So two runs back to back gave the same results. At least the big number is consistent, lol


Well-Known Member

If your vegg wattage was working fien before why not just dim the flower room the first few weeks to ease them into it?
That's exactly what I did this run; I ran half for 4 days, up to 3/4 for another three and then up to full power by day 8. This run is showing fewer symptoms that the first two, but still there.

The new growth is really nice, so that's another reason why I think it's light shock.