Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's


this is my first grow I just want females and I doesnt really know when is the first time i can separate them and how to decide they are males or females..


Well-Known Member
We all just want females....lol less we wanna grow some seeds of a killer strain, one you have three nodes to a branch you can pretty much clone it, cut it at a 45, take off the bottom leaves, leaving a small stem below to go into your rooting gel, then immediately put it into your soil or whatever your growin outa, then just set you light cycle for that one plant to 12hours on 12 hours off, in a couple days you should see the plant start changin, if you see little hairs growin, thats what you want........if you see little balls, pull that fucker! I have a plant that is under a foot and I cloned 'im. Another method you can use to get a better chance of clones takin is to cut up the middle of the stem to help propagate rooting
here is an awesome guide on cloning;


it's from "enjoy" who I think is jorge? but its great and should answer all your questions, now keep in mind this is for the very experienced grower, for us smaller growers we just need to cut the clone, dip it, and stick it... Clones like humidity so make sure you have some sort of green house for it until it roots itself. Once this happens and you can see the plant has come back to life and is healthy, you can bud it and see what sex it is! Take one clone from each plant, AND DON"T FORGET TO LABLE THEM !! the clones and plants, use colored stickers on the pots or something. Cheers Dude Hope this clears it up a bit for ya.


Active Member
UPDATE: Day 28 from seed

topped plant at 23 days from seed and it was successful. After looking at pics from 7 days ago i was like whoa thats a fair bit of growth. tree has got pretty bushy and nodes are splitting everywhere and i can count wat looks to be 5
colas and 2 main colas starting to branch up, cant wait to see its growth in another 7 days.



ive got 9 plants(three miniatures) about four weeks old with two cool white cfls adding up to 32 watts, two warm cfls adding up to 52 watts, and two halogens(warm i guess) adding up to 140 watts, alltogether at 224 watts.Now my questions 1)how many watts per plant is nessesary? 2) how many watts is desirable? 3) how many is overkill for their young age? 4) how many watts for each age and stage? 5) what do you think about my current set up? and 6) what do u think about the halogen light spectrum?The help would be appreciated thanks.


Well-Known Member
Having researched this subject, I think I can help ya a bit, there are many more experienced guys on here so correct me if I'm wrong, but Im pretty sure this is right.

1) your looking at about 75 watts per plant, i'm using about 50 and they seem to be doin ok,
2) 100 or more
3) Most people say you can never have too much light, I;m getting a 600 hps for my flowering chamber which will be 3x3 max
4) Obviously the smaller the plant the less light you can use, you need more and stronger light to penetrate through the canopy, when the plant gets bigger, you can get by this with CFL's by putting some halfway down the plant
5) I think your current setup looks ok, but its hard to see what the room is like and the spacing. Do you have proper ventalation?
6) Halogens are really bright but they are the wrong spectrum, which is probably what your problem is, I would take it out and get yourself some more CFL, you'll want ones that are rated around 5000k to 6500k then for flowering you'll want ones that are around 2700k to 3000k, Hally's are in the middle spectrum that you don't want!
Here is a great guide for using CFL's
7) your plants are probably slow at growing cause your using the wrong lights
also...... looks like your plants are stretching, I would move the lights down a bit.

Hope this helps!!


:eyesmoke:yeah man, thanks i got both halogens outta there and replaced one with a cfl. i looked up on the halogens and realized they were a very bad idea.Well im glad they hadnt been there for long anyway.And no my room isnt too well ventilated, and i suspect the slow growth was caused by the low tempetures of 61F-70F it was living in for some time. So now i brought a heater in my room and keep the tempertures around 71F-75F. I plan on hanging up a 10 bulb chandelier up abouve the plants around vegging....actually i should hang it up asap, their not getting enough wattage huh?this would stop the streching too....your help is well appreiciated, thanks. Im always happy to learn something from a fellow grower.


Well-Known Member
No problem dude LOL i was so stoned last knight I linked you the post...that you were posting in......ha too freakin funny......as for ventilation, its important to get fresh air to your plants, also have a fan blowing on them, I have mine on 24/7. This strengthens the main stem and which in turn breeds a healthier plant with potential for more bud. 61 may be a bit on the low side, 70 is reasonable, 75 is ideal, I run around 75 - 80, mine seem fine. Got some new pics posted in my sig. if you wanna check em out. I have my CFL about 2" over my plants and they are turning into bushes. No stretching at all. Don't have you heater blowing directly on the plants, face it away. Ya i would go with the chandelier asap, great idea!


No those arent 65k those are 27k not sure if its lumens i think its the temperature in light it runs at. Lower the more red, higher the more blue.

Blue seems to stimulate foliage growth and red enduces flowering and stretching at times (too far away from plant).

84 watts is enough to grow a small plant By all means GO FOR IT! and add a few more lights over time.

And if your wondering, you can VEG and FLOWER with 27k lights all the way if you have no other way. but it wont be optimal.