Twice the light / twice the yield question... watt per gram theory


Well-Known Member
Flower area is like 5x5 ish have a 1k watter in there now, according to most things I've read, it's made me assume that... in the same amount of space, I'm almost at ideal ranges for just the 1 bulb, So you mean to tell me, if i add a second or even a 3rd 1000 watter in there, I will double or triple my yields!? I just find it really hard to believe that simply making an insane watt per foot ratio will do much more than drain the electric bill lol... Has anyone truly tested this, in the same space, same amount of plants, and actually does get double by doubling light to a retarded ratio? haha

I mean I have heard of people growing one damn plant under like 4000 watts, and coming out with pounds. But what about all the extra light area getting wasted? would it not behoove them to fill in those spots with plants? It's not like the runoff wasted light would effect the yield of there one main plant under what is essentially a effing beacon from heaven lol

If anyone has tried something like this and has some info on results Id love to hear it. Wondering if at 250 bucks a pop, if adding one or two more would really throw dem bitches in crack head mode. and double/triple yield.

Thanks for hearing me out. :)


Well-Known Member
I mean if this is actually true... You could construct a like 5x5 foot sickly ass hood, with a giant ass glass en closer throw like 10 x 1000's in it, Put the AC in to deep freeze mode to keep it below 90-100 degrees (LMFAO) and at the .5 gram per watt normal 1.0 being good, and better even greater, but we will stick to .5 for kicks here, that means in a 5x5 foot area, theoretically one could expect to yield over ten damn pounds at harvest?! That just sounds completely false to me?

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
I was just rocking a 1k in 5 sqft for experimentation on this... At 200w a square foot I found that the plants freaked out and the erb formation is anything but normal, mind you high quality, but shit for yield. I honestly think I would have done better with the 400w MH I usually have in that tent for veg. Grow is in my sig, but temps were fine, plants look happy, theres just very condensed bud growth. I ended up moving the 2 plants I had in there to a 5x5 to finish and cant wait for them to finish so I can move forward. My opinion best lighting for a 5x5 is two 600s with a scrog or sog. No wasted lumens, can get em closer to tops of where they need to be. Just sayin...


Well-Known Member
yeah im not even running mine on full... its on 50% till i get my ac in there, lol. My buds seem small but thick as well. even with half power, but half the flower period a bunch of 5000k cfls were used cause its all i had at the time, the new ones in there that are litterally months behind the almost done ones, are already taller and going crazy (getting better as i go) I mean, they SHOT UP when they went under the hps, granite i kept chopping them for a while low, so there root structure is that of plant twice there height, even in 2.5-3 gal buckets, in the first 2 weeks of flower, there about 4 effing feet tall. by then end they could be at my damn roof another 4 feet up, and ill have to tie them back from the light, unless my cool tube is ducted right and ac is kickin down to 70-75 instead of in the 90's, then ill practically let them grow into the light if its cool enough, since it will be hitting cool glass if all turns out like i plan.


Well-Known Member
^ actually the old ladies could BE done, will not know till i get my damn jewelers scope in the mail, shit needs to hurry up and get here... Really wish i was not growing unknown bag seed sativas, then i would have a good time frame, I just guesstimated at 12 weeks of flower, I could be over dueing it starting this week, as i think its almost week 10, and some of them sativas are done in 9 i heard anything from 9-14... FOREVER and a day when your anxious to see how you did. lol


Well-Known Member
I think it's all about penetration! If somehow you could have every leaf utilize all the watts without any obstruction then yeah but in that small of a space with heat? , I know you will have amazing growth as long as you have sufficient medium size surface size and or height to support the output! More light means more product, yes , but you need to be able to use all the light up and support its capabilities! I had a 1000w in a 5x5 and did very well and think that's about a good ratio 5x5 per 1000w!


Active Member
The more light you give your girls will not affect the amount of bud it produces. In fact to much can impair bud growth. Research the light saturation point. Here is a good link i got from another thread The amount of bud produced depends on all factors in the growing environment. So no don't waste your money on more lights and instead but a light meter that should help out. Good luck hope that helps.