Twisted Leaves?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any ideas here?
They are about 2 weeks old, I have them under a 600W MH about 24" away, havent given them any nutes yet, I water them about every 5 days or so and my tap water is 6.3-6.6 ph naturally, And I have the temperature between 70-76. At night it goes down to 64 until I can get a little heater in there.
I thought it may be having the lights too close, so I moved it up to 30" above, but this seems pretty ridiculous. The humidity sits around 50%, but I try to spray some water in when I can, and the dehumidifier kicks in at 65%.

I'm open to any ideas anyone has. You can't really see it in the photo but they are a nice deep green.
Forgot to mention, the leaves come out nice and perfect, but after a few days, they do this.



New Member
They look a little hot from what i can see, why do you have or want a dehumidifier ? i have been growing for 8/9 years and never used one, use a little fan maybe even 2 small ones, one near the plants but not blowing direct onto them just turning the air, the other one can blow direct onto the lights cooling them down, i have been saying all night on this site people worry to much, KEEP IN MIND THEY ARE WEEDS, they will die when you over fuss and over feed, best of luck they are fine let them do what they do best GROW, when they get bigger dont be afraid to cut off some crap at the bottom, i normaly have nothing for 6/10 inches bottom to the first branches, thats where all the good shit comes from never the very bottom, chill.


Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing indoor. Done outdoor for a few seasons. But with indoor it is so easy to just poke your head in and see how they are doing, where as outdoor I had to plan a day of it. Well maybe not an entire day but few hours to drive and hike back and forth. So that's probably why I am over analyzing things, as I see them so much and notice small changes.

My room is airtight and I just figured I would need a dehumidifier and bought one early before testing everything out. It comes on at night right now as the humidity jumps up to around 75-80. With bigger plants I can see needing one. I don't think it was a mistake.