Two (2) SuperLocker 3.0's, Two (2) Procyon 100's LED, One Procyon 300 LED & a 4x4Tent

First of all I have never grown before and within the last month I have decided to look go for it.

So as the title says I have acquired (2) Superlockers 3.0 (2) Procyon 100's 1 Procyon 300 and a 4x4 grow tent (Only the tent). I also have 2 HID 150 Watt with ballast. I am also planning on purchasing the co2 unit but I am unsure how I can best utilize it with 3 separate units because I cant afford 3 co2 units. Can the co2 regulator and tank be rigged to supply more than one unit? While cleaning the garage today I found 12 Phillips T12 48" 35watt florescent bulbs in my garage today. Still in box.

What I would like to know from the experts is how you would best utilize this equipment? I imagine there could be many options such as use 1 of the lockers to veg & 1 to flower. Or perhaps veg in both lockers then transfer the plants to the tent for flowering. I basically got alot of stuff and have no inclination of how best to utilize it to get optimum results. Needs some solid advice. It would be especially nice if we can stay on subject and not wonder into what I should have done but focus on what I should do with what I got. I know I need one of those inline fans and a carbon filter thingys for the tent but I also need to know what needs to be done and bought for the tent and or the lockers. I thank all of you in advance for your assistance and kind words of encouragement.
I'm by no means an expert, but:

How tall is the 4x4 tent? If it's taller than the superlockers I would use it for flowering, as that's when the plants will need the most space, and gain the most height. It might be possible to get away without CO2 augmentation, but as you say you'll definitely need at least an exhaust fan, and a source of fresh air. How important is stealth? You'll only need a carbon filter if you're worried about detection.

Do a lot of research before you crack seeds. You've got some great equipment there, but it will all be useless if you aren't clear on the basics. I just started my first grow two weeks ago, but I wish I'd waited until I'd spent 20 hours+ reading forums/watching videos, because I'm encountering problems while the plants are growing that I could have prevented with some more time and forward planning.

Get it very straight in your head what you want to achieve. Look at the limitations of your set-up, and plan your grow within those limitations. You're definitely going to have to invest some more money, but unless you want to fill that 4x4x? tent full of plants, probably not much more.

If I were you, I would focus on getting one grow done from start to finish, with a minimal number of plants, in one of your superlockers. I think you're right to aim for having a two locker system down the line (1 veg, 1 flower). your space inside them is limited, and after one grow you'll have a much better idea of what the opportunities and limitations are.

One thing I did, as soon as I started germinating the seeds, was turn on the lights and fiddle around with my fans etc for a few days to get an idea of temp ranges and whatnot. That way by the time the seeds starting sprouting a few days later, my grow environment was ready for them. The seedlings don't like any sort of stress, so it's good to have solved temperature issues in your grow space before you put them in there.

Hope this helps in some way.
Yes it does and thank you very much. The tent's height is 6 1/2' tall.

I know I should be using this time before the grow to educate myself and you have just reconfirmed my thought and I will now try to learn about actual growing before I start.

I think you are also correct that I should get one grow under my belt and that will give me a good idea of what needs to be done.

Guess I better find a post of everything you need to know about growing. Thanks again.
This was the best introduction video I watched:

It's a little out of date, but all of the information is good.

There's a hydro video here:

The guys in my local grow shop recommended doing a soil grow first. Their reasoning was that it's the best way of getting to know how different factors affect your plants, and that soil is more forgiving of mistakes or stresses. You have a great-sized tent for a first soil grow, or you could mix and match the equipment from your superlockers to do hydro in it. Either way I'd recommend using the tent if stealth isn't a big issue, because you'll have more access to your plants and they'll have more space.

One more piece of advice: Tell nobody.
Good info on those videos thanks.

Heres my update but I also posted this on another site. Need help but very few people care but I'll find those who do. I'll just write to all those who visit but never post. There seems to be quite a few. I ran into a couple of setbacks but the project continues to move forward. The two Superlockers (SL #2 & #1 backwards respectively) are up & running. I've purchased and placed a total of 14 clones inside. 1 Blue Dream, 4 Girl Scout Cookies, & 9 Blueberry Kush.

Initially the first plant I purchased, the Blue Dream, was placed in the cloner section of SL#1 because of I didn't know what to do with it at the time, lol. A couple of days later I purchased the other clones all in soil and plastic cups. When I brought these home I placed them along with their cups inside the veggie chamber of the 2 SL's to get them adjusted to the new environment and the Procyon LED's. Big mistake was seen the next morning when I realized I had the damn LED's too low. I guess 4-5" above the plant is not too wise huh? Well I corrected this mistake but it was obvious there was some leaf burn issues.

My SL's are stored in a storage area where it gets pretty cold at night. Well on the 2nd night the internal temperatures of the SL's was in the mid 50's. I tried several stupid things to solve this problem. I won't mention them all just a few like, blowing hot air from a hair blow dryer through the vents, placing some regular house lightbulbs inside the unit (got more burn issues from that), or placing both Procyon and a 150 watt HID in each unit (Can someone say burn it after it is grows and not while its growing)!

In between those stupid things I did do a couple of things that made sense like, finding the locations where the cold air was coming in and blocking them, insulated the bottom of the unit from cold air. Because the lockers sit directly on concrete the steel gets just as cold as the concrete. I thought about elevating them to get them off the ground but 2nd thoughts made me think of California Earthquakes and the units tipping over. Moving on after doing this the temps in both units were 60f & 61f respectively. By what I read, and I remind you this is my first grow, the temps should be 65-75f for plants in this phase. So I fired up a 150 watt HID light and placed it right in front of the 2 SL's and voila. Temps were just right about 68f so I even removed the socks I had stuffed in all of the air vents to block air lol.

Well by the 3rd day I transplanted all of the plants from soil to hydro but only turned on the aeroponics and not the drip or sprayer thing.
When I was transplanting the plants from soil to hydro, I found a sprout growing in the container that had one of the GSC clones. Could be anything but I was able to get that little sucker's 1/16" root and place her in some neutral ph water soak rockwool and threw her azz in the cloning chamber. Well its been two days now and it (whatever it is) is loving life so far. I can't tell what kind of plant it is but hopefully it will be another Girl Scout Cookie. Check the picture and tell me what you think.

On the forth day I changed the water and added my first dosage of nutes. Did I mention that this was the first day that I tested the ph. Oh My! the water in all the reservoirs were at about 7.5. So needless to say adding the nutes and checking my ph that day really showed on day 6. At this point I am only have the Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Sensi Part A & B but I am going to purchase the Hobbyist level next week or so. I purchased the Sensi Part A & B because I do not have time to keep checking PH levels, water temperatures, humidity etc... all that stuff you experts or anybody else who has some sense is doing. Because time is of the essence, the more I can automate the better and not having to worry about ph is all the better. I really need to invest more money into temperature monitoring equipment. Anyone know where I can get a good deal on those 24/7 meters that reads tds, ppm, and ph?
I guess I need something to measure water temperatures too. it would be nice to have just one unit or a couple of units but they have to be protable and easy to take from SL#1 to SL#2, and the tent. Where do you guys get this stuff and how much is it? Some of the ones I have seen cost hundreds of hundreds of dollars.

Moving forward to the present day, Day 6 it appears that most of my plants suffered some sort of leaf burn besides the one Blue Dream who spent it's beginnings in the cloning chamber and the little sprout now in the cloning chamber. Regardless of the burns I notice new growth has appeared on all of the plants with a really nice green color. That's about the best thing thats happen to these plants since I bought them.

That is pretty much where I am with the grow for now I will post pictures but need some help so please read on.

I still need some advice on a few things concerning the design of my setup, hopefully someone will help. As you can see from my pics my lockers are placed side by side. i would like to purchase a co2 bottle, regulator, solenoid, and timer but is there a dual output regulator or device I can purchase? I've seen dual tank regulators but I do not want two tanks but one tank with a regulator that can distribute to two different units. Any suggestions? I seen one listed for beer kegs but I assume that would not work or will it. And if it can, can I still plug up a solenoid and timer to automate this product. If anyone knows of such a product please share.

I still have another design obstacle I will soon face and need additional help and advice. Because my plan has now evolved into a plan where I will veg in the lockers and flower in a 4x4 tent. I have a couple of lighting options here because I have not yet secured the Procyon 300 as planned I need some advice.

1. Keep Current Veggie Setup
Veggie Chambers: 2 Superlockers each with one Procyon 100 and (2) t-5 24w. Procyon 100 is supposed to be equivalent to a 400 HID.

Flower Chamber: Add 2 1000 HID or MH (I have so much to learn I don't even know which one is used to flower but I'm reading everyday) Adding these will no doubt would turn out to be a nice grow but have a significant impact on my electricity bill which is why I went LED in the first place. Its part of the deal with the wife keep the power bill down. But even more so summer is on the way and adding 1000 HID or MH in that room would absolutely melt it to the ground (hotter than a $2 dollar ho on $10 dollar gig). Anyways it gets hot as hell in there.

2. Change Current Veggie Setup
Veggie Chambers: Place 150w HID lamps in Superlockers
Flower Chamber: Place both Procyon 100's in 4x4 tent.

3. Keep Current Veggie Setup Add to Flower Chamber
Veggie Chambers: 2 Superlockers each with one Procyon 100 and (2) t-5 24w.
Flower Chamber: Purchase 2 Procyon 300 or 2 other LED equivalent lights (Procyon 300 equivalent to 800-1000 HID light)

Of course this last option is rather expensive and may interfere with timing as I may not be able to get two at the same time. But even if I just buy one Procyon 300 at a time, it can cover a 5x5 area so would it be sufficient right for a good grow? Details about the Procyons can be found on homegrownlights website. Which one of these options based on my situation do you think would be best for me? This issue has me worried as I am trying to budget and secure so when its time to flower, I can flower.

About the grow system for flowering in the tent. Originally I had planned on buying a 8 or 12 bucket superponics system. I've have since changed my mind and decided to buy the 12 bucket C.A.P. Ebb & Grow System with 6 bucket addon (18 buckets), controller bucket, and 55 gallon reservoir for 440.00. I calculate I can place 12-16 of these buckets in my 4x4 tent for flowering. Does anyone know about these systems? Any advise or words of caution?

As far as my pictures they are probably going to really be out of order as I am trying to upload and I think I uploaded the first pictures last and vice versa. Also have been using 2 different cameras so the sequence of events may not be adequately depicted from the picture order.

I drew a little drawing on prospective lighting design as well as the tent design I am planning. In the drawing I am playing with the idea of placing both Procyons 100's in the tent and 150w HID's in the Superlockers. Based on the options I played around with earlier you can get a kind of visual reference as to what I am talking about. I also included pics. I didn't do this before because I'm paranoid about the feds. but f'em!

Doesn't look like none of the newer pictures uploaded or maybe I'm limited to just 50 or perhaps all of my pictures exceeded the 10000mb limit. Whatever the case I will figure it out later and re-post time to hit the sack.

Blue Dream1.JPGBlueDream Blurr.JPGBlueDream Blurred.JPGBlueDream Blurry.JPGBlueDream in Cup Before.JPGBlueDream Nice Pic.JPGBlueDream Nice Pic2.JPGBlueDream Sittin on Caddie.JPGDay 1 & 1st Plant.  Blue Dream In Cloning Chamber.JPGGet that sprayer off the plant Cloning Chamber.JPGLean Wit it! Rock Wit it!.JPGLighting & Equipment Layout.jpgMy Tent Sitting Sideways on top of some ish in my Garage Yea I got cleaning to do!.JPGProcyon 100 Close-up.JPGStruggling w Temperatures but getting there.JPGSuperLocker #1 Cloning Chamber.JPGSuperLocker #1 Open.JPGSuperLocker #1 Procyon 100's Close up.JPGSuperLocker #1 Veggie Chamber.JPGSuperLocker #2 before t-5.JPGSuperLocker #2 Open.JPGSuperLocker #2 Veggie Chamber close-up.JPGSuperLocker #2 Veggie Chamber.JPGSuperLocker 3.0 w Procyon 100.JPGSuperLocker Cloner #2 Not using yet.JPGSuperLocker Dual View.JPGSuperLockers 1 & 2 Opened Procyon 100's.JPGSuperLockers 1 & 2 Side By Side Closed.JPGSuperLockers Opened - Procyon 100's.JPGWhoas Me! Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Coming Forth to Carry Me Home!.JPG4 GSC 2 Blueberry close-up.JPG4 GSC 2 Blueberry.JPGBlue Dream far Rear Left.JPGBlueberry Kush 7 plants #2.JPGBlueberry Kush 7 plants.JPGBlueberry Kush.JPGDownward View Veggie Chamber 2.JPGFound sprout in cup soil during transplat of clones I wonder if it will survive and what it is.JPGGirl Scouts & Blueberry Kush.JPGGSC  I think ah well damn.JPGSuperLocker #2 After Transplant.JPGThis is a nice looking Blueberry.JPGView of Girl Scout Cookies.JPGWelcome to Your New Home.JPGIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (1).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (2).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (3).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (4).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (5).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (6).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (7).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (8).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (9).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (10).jpgIn Shock From Transplant & Burns LED's Too Close (11).jpgIts Taking Flight.jpg