TWO-FACE!! Half Plant Growing..


Active Member

so im pretty sure i got a mg deficiancy and today i r trying to fix it :)

seeing as i spotted it today and am trying to cure it the same i got a few questions

is "growing on half the plant" normal?

like one leaf is growing but the leaf that is sposed to be growing right across from it is not.. and it urks me.. i call it two-face.. will it even turn back to being one-face? or will it be mutated-face?

and how long till my leaves turn back to normal color?


Can you post a picture? Abnormal growth usually happens when something weird is occurring in the medium... pH fluctuations, odd nute concentrations, or root infection. Essentially, something is stressing the plant into abnormal growth. If you correct the underlying issue, growth should resume normally. Obviously, without a good deal more info, impossible to assess. Best.


Active Member
Can you post a picture? Abnormal growth usually happens when something weird is occurring in the medium... pH fluctuations, odd nute concentrations, or root infection. Essentially, something is stressing the plant into abnormal growth. If you correct the underlying issue, growth should resume normally. Obviously, without a good deal more info, impossible to assess. Best.

well, i got a few books, which defined this as MG deficiency.. I would post a picture but at the moment my batteries are dead.. and its hard as hell to find batteries that still work in my house haha :)

what i was asking though it says

"miniaturization of growth"
but it seems like one leaf really isnt growing at all..

im just wondering.. how long would it take to correct a MG deficiency?? its only 2 1/2 wks old..

and my other has no bad stunted growth like that, but harsher yellowing of leaves..

im going to look for more batteries :) ill try to post a pic soon but if anyone can answer that question that'd be superb.. i've been wondering if its worth keeping them..


Active Member
Here are pictures!!
found some batteries to get a few pics in before it died..

^ hey!! two-face!! haha

^ other one, look at lower leaf.. thats what im talkin about.. (actually the first picture is what im talkin about, twoface.. that one leaf) but this one too!

(BTW i forgot to mention i am color-blind.. so maybe my diagnosis was wrong.. i probably should've thought of that first..)


Well-Known Member
well, i got a few books, which defined this as MG deficiency.. I would post a picture but at the moment my batteries are dead.. and its hard as hell to find batteries that still work in my house haha :)

what i was asking though it says

"miniaturization of growth"
but it seems like one leaf really isnt growing at all..

im just wondering.. how long would it take to correct a MG deficiency?? its only 2 1/2 wks old..

and my other has no bad stunted growth like that, but harsher yellowing of leaves..

im going to look for more batteries :) ill try to post a pic soon but if anyone can answer that question that'd be superb.. i've been wondering if its worth keeping them..
Mg deficiencies do not usually show up this early. If and when they lack Mg it shows up about 2-4 weeks into flowering. More than likely at this age and if yellowing if the leaves is showing up they are lacking nitrogen. Have you checked the ph? Does your soil have food in it already?


Well-Known Member
That's a nitrogen deficiency. Either not enough nitrogen or you have a pH lock. Judging by the yellowing of the tips and the edges looking more yellowed than the rest I'd say pH problem.


Active Member
actually i tried getting one and the place i went only had the colors... and im colorblind so.. i need to make a trip to the Gstore


thanks alot guys.. and if it is pH and i get it set right.. will it / how long till it corrects itself?